DSpace System Documentation: Customizing and Configuring Submission User Interface

This page explains various customization and configuration options that are available within DSpace for the Item Submission user interface.

Understanding the Submission Configuration File

The _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/config/item-submission.xml_ contains the submission configurations for _both_ the DSpace JSP user interface (JSPUI) or the DSpace XML user interface (XMLUI or Manakin). This configuration file contains detailed documentation within the file itself, which should help you better understand how to best utilize it.

The Structure of item-submission.xml

	<!-- Where submission processes are mapped to specific Collections -->
	<name-map collection-handle="default" submission-name="traditional" /> ...
	<!-- Where "steps" which are used across many submission processes can be defined in a
	   single place. They can then be referred to by ID later. -->
	<step id="collection">
	<!-- Where actual submission processes are defined and given names. Each <submission-process> has
	   many <step> nodes which are in the order that the steps should be in.-->
	<submission-definitions> <submission-process name="traditional">
	<!-- Step definitions appear here! -->

Because this file is in XML format, you should be familiar with XML before editing this file. By default, this file contains the "traditional" Item Submission Process for DSpace, which consists of the following Steps (in this order):

Select Collection -> Initial Questions -> Describe -> Upload -> Verify -> License -> Complete

If you would like to customize the steps used or the ordering of the steps, you can do so within the <submission-definition> section of the item-submission.xml .

In addition, you may also specify different Submission Processes for different DSpace Collections. This can be done in the <submission-map> section. The item-submission.xml file itself documents the syntax required to perform these configuration changes.

Defining Steps (<step>) within the item-submission.xml

This section describes how Steps of the Submission Process are defined within the item-submission.xml.

Where to place your <step> definitions

<step> definitions can appear in one of two places within the item-submission.xml configuration file.

  1. Within the <step-definitions> section
  2. Within a specific <submission-process> definition

The ordering of <step> definitions matters!

The ordering of the <step> tags within a <submission-process> definition directly corresponds to the order in which those steps will appear!

For example, the following defines a Submission Process where the License step directly precedes the Initial Questions step (more information about the structure of the information under each <step> tag can be found in the section on Structure of the <step> Definition below):

	<!--Step 1 will be to Sign off on the License-->
	<!--Step 2 will be to Ask Initial Questions-->
	      ...[other steps]...

Structure of the <step> Definition

The same <step> definition is used by both the DSpace JSP user interface (JSPUI) an the DSpace XML user interface (XMLUI or Manakin). Therefore, you will notice each <step> definition contains information specific to each of these two interfaces.

The structure of the <step> Definition is as follows:


Each step contains the following elements. The required elements are so marked:

Reordering/Removing Submission Steps

The removal of existing steps and reordering of existing steps is a relatively easy process!

Reordering steps

  1. Locate the <submission-process> tag which defines the Submission Process that you are using. If you are unsure which Submission Process you are using, it's likely the one with name="traditional", since this is the traditional DSpace submission process.
  2. Reorder the <step> tags within that <submission-process> tag. Be sure to move the entire<step> tag (i.e. everything between and including the opening <step> and closing </step> tags).

Removing one or more steps

  1. Locate the <submission-process> tag which defines the Submission Process that you are using. If you are unsure which Submission Process you are using, it's likely the one with name="traditional", since this is the traditional DSpace submission process.
  2. Comment out (i.e. surround with <!-- and -->) the <step> tags which you want to remove from that <submission-process> tag. Be sure to comment out the entire {{<step>}}tag (i.e. everything between and including the opening _<step> and closing </step> tags).

Assigning a custom Submission Process to a Collection

Assigning a custom submission process to a Collection in DSpace involves working with the submission-map section of the item-submission.xml. For a review of the structure of the item-submission.xml see the section above on Understanding the Submission Configuration File.

Each name-map element within submission-map associates a collection with the name of a submission definition. Its collection-handle attribute is the Handle of the collection. Its submission-name attribute is the submission definition name, which must match the name attribute of a submission-process element (in the submission-definitions section of item-submission.xml.

For example, the following fragment shows how the collection with handle "12345.6789/42" is assigned the "custom" submission process:

    <name-map collection-handle=" 12345.6789/42" submission-name="
	custom" />

    <submission-process name="

It's a good idea to keep the definition of the default name-map from the example input-forms.xml so there is always a default for collections which do not have a custom form set.

Getting A Collection's Handle

You will need the handle of a collection in order to assign it a custom form set. To discover the handle, go to the "Communities & Collections" page under "Browse" in the left-hand menu on your DSpace home page. Then, find the link to your collection. It should look something like:


The underlined part of the URL is the handle. It should look familiar to any DSpace administrator. That is what goes in the collection-handle attribute of your name-map element.

Custom Metadata-entry Pages for Submission


This section explains how to customize the Web forms used by submitters and editors to enter and modify the metadata for a new item. These metadata web forms are controlled by the Describe step within the Submission Process. However, they are also configurable via their own XML configuration file (input-forms.xml).

You can customize the "default" metadata forms used by all collections, and also create alternate sets of metadata forms and assign them to specific collections. In creating custom metadata forms, you can choose:

NOTE: The cosmetic and ergonomic details of metadata entry fields remain the same as the fixed metadata pages in previous DSpace releases, and can only be altered by modifying the appropriate stylesheet and JSP pages.

All of the custom metadata-entry forms for a DSpace instance are controlled by a single XML file, input-forms.xml, in the config subdirectory under the DSpace home. DSpace comes with a sample configuration that implements the traditional metadata-entry forms, which also serves as a well-documented example. The rest of this section explains how to create your own sets of custom forms.

Describing Custom Metadata Forms

The description of a set of pages through which submitters enter their metadata is called a form (although it is actually a set of forms, in the HTML sense of the term). A form is identified by a unique symbolic name. In the XML structure, the form is broken down into a series of pages: each of these represents a separate Web page for collecting metadata elements.

To set up one of your DSpace collections with customized submission forms, first you make an entry in the form-map. This is effectively a table that relates a collection to a form set, by connecting the collection's Handle to the form name. Collections are identified by handle because their names are mutable and not necessarily unique, while handles are unique and persistent.

A special map entry, for the collection handle "default", defines the default form set. It applies to all collections which are not explicitly mentioned in the map. In the example XML this form set is named traditional (for the "traditional" DSpace user interface) but it could be named anything.

The Structure of input-forms.xml

The XML configuration file has a single top-level element, input-forms, which contains three elements in a specific order. The outline is as follows:


  <--  Map of Collections to Form Sets -->
    <name-map collection-handle="default" form-name="traditional"

  <--  Form Set Definitions -->
    <form name="traditional">

  <--  Name/Value Pairs used within Multiple Choice Widgets
    <value-pairs value-pairs-name="common_iso_languages"

Adding a Collection Map

Each name-map element within form-map associates a collection with the name of a form set. Its collection-handle attribute is the Handle of the collection, and its form-name attribute is the form set name, which must match the name attribute of a form element.

For example, the following fragment shows how the collection with handle "12345.6789/42" is attached to the "TechRpt" form set:

    <name-map collection-handle=" 12345.6789/42" form-name=" TechRpt"/>

    <form name="TechRept">

It's a good idea to keep the definition of the default name-map from the example input-forms.xml so there is always a default for collections which do not have a custom form set.

Getting A Collection's Handle

You will need the handle of a collection in order to assign it a custom form set. To discover the handle, go to the "Communities & Collections" page under "Browse" in the left-hand menu on your DSpace home page. Then, find the link to your collection. It should look something like:


The underlined part of the URL is the handle. It should look familiar to any DSpace administrator. That is what goes in the collection-handle attribute of your name-map element.

Adding a Form Set

You can add a new form set by creating a new form element within the form-definitions element. It has one attribute, name, which as seen above must match the value of the name-map for the collections it is to be used for.

Forms and Pages

The content of the form is a sequence of page elements. Each of these corresponds to a Web page of forms for entering metadata elements, presented in sequence between the initial "Describe" page and the final "Verify" page (which presents a summary of all the metadata collected).

A form must contain at least one and at most six pages. They are presented in the order they appear in the XML. Each page element must include a number attribute, that should be its sequence number, e.g.

<page number="1">

The page element, in turn, contains a sequence of field elements. Each field defines an interactive dialog where the submitter enters one of the Dublin Core metadata items.

Composition of a Field

Each field contains the following elements, in the order indicated. The required sub-elements are so marked:

For the use of controlled vocabularies see the Configuring Controlled Vocabularies section.

Automatically Elided Fields

You may notice that some fields are automatically skipped when a custom form page is displayed, depending on the kind of item being submitted. This is because the DSpace user-interface engine skips Dublin Core fields which are not needed, according to the initial description of the item. For example, if the user indicates there are no alternate titles on the first "Describe" page (the one with a few checkboxes), the input for the title.alternative DC element is automatically elided, even on custom submission pages.

When a user initiates a submission, DSpace first displays what we'll call the "initial-questions page". By default, it contains three questions with check-boxes:

  1. The item has more than one title, e.g. a translated title Controls title.alternative field.
  2. The item has been published or publicly distributed before Controls DC fields:
  3. The item consists of more than one file Does not affect any metadata input fields.

The answers to the first two questions control whether inputs for certain of the DC metadata fields will displayed, even if they are defined as fields in a custom page. Conversely, if the metadata fields controlled by a checkbox are not mentioned in the custom form, the checkbox is elided from the initial page to avoid confusing or misleading the user.

The two relevant checkbox entries are "The item has more than one title, e.g. a translated title", and "The item has been published or publicly distributed before". The checkbox for multiple titles trigger the display of the field with dc-element equal to 'title' and dc-qualifier equal to 'alternative'. If the controlling collection's form set does not contain this field, then the multiple titles question will not appear on the initial questions page.

Adding Value-Pairs

Finally, your custom form description needs to define the "value pairs" for any fields with input types that refer to them. Do this by adding a value-pairs element to the contents of form-value-pairs. It has the following required attributes:


Here is a menu of types of common identifiers:

   <value-pairs value-pairs-name="common_identifiers" dc-term="identifier">
       <displayed-value>Gov't Doc #</displayed-value>

It generates the following HTML, which results in the menu widget below. (Note that there is no way to indicate a default choice in the custom input XML, so it cannot generate the HTML SELECTED attribute to mark one of the options as a pre-selected default.)

<select name="identifier_qualifier_0">
    <option VALUE="govdoc">Gov't Doc #</option>
    <option VALUE="uri">URI</option>
    <option VALUE="isbn">ISBN</option>

Deploying Your Custom Forms

The DSpace web application only reads your custom form definitions when it starts up, so it is important to remember:

Any mistake in the syntax or semantics of the form definitions, such as poorly formed XML or a reference to a nonexistent field name, will cause a fatal error in the DSpace UI. The exception message (at the top of the stack trace in the dspace.log file) usually has a concise and helpful explanation of what went wrong. Don't forget to stop and restart the servlet container before testing your fix to a bug.

Configuring the File Upload step

The _Upload_ step in the DSpace submission process has two configuration options which can be set with your _\[DSDOCDEV:dspace\]/config/dspace.cfg_ configuration file. They are as follows:

Creating new Submission Steps

First, a brief warning: Creating a new Submission Step requires some Java knowledge, and is therefore recommended to be undertaken by a Java programmer whenever possible

That being said, at a higher level, creating a new Submission Step requires the following (in this relative order):

  1. (Required) Create a new Step Processing class
  2. (For steps using JSPUI) Create the JSPs to display the user interface. Create a new JSPUI "binding" class to initialize and call these JSPs.
  3. (For steps using XMLUI) Create an XMLUI "binding" Step Transformer which will generate the DRI XML which Manakin requires.
  4. (Required) Add a valid Step Definition to the item-submission.xml configuration file.

Creating a Non-Interactive Step

Non-interactive steps are ones that have no user interface and only perform backend processing. You may find a need to create non-interactive steps which perform further processing of previously entered information.

To create a non-interactive step, do the following:

  1. Create the required Step Processing class, which extends the abstract org.dspace.submit.AbstractProcessingStep class. In this class add any processing which this step will perform.
  2. Add your non-interactive step to your item-submission.xml at the place where you wish this step to be called during the submission process. For example, if you want it to be called immediately after the existing 'Upload File' step, then place its configuration immediately after the configuration for that 'Upload File' step. The configuration should look similar to the following:

Note: Non-interactive steps will not appear in the Progress Bar! Therefore, your submitters will not even know they are there. However, because they are not visible to your users, you should make sure that your non-interactive step does not take a large amount of time to finish its processing and return control to the next step (otherwise there will be a visible time delay in the user interface).