Ideas for Potential DSpace Summer of Code projects

Please add your suggestions for GSoC 2012 projects related to DSpace! If you are interested in mentoring, please let us know! Also, be sure to visit the listing of Past GSoC Project Ideas below, to see if anything there is still relevant.

Please add your own ideas to the table below, and feel free to volunteer as a mentor for any existing idea 


Relevant DSpace component(s)

Detailed Description

Mentor volunteer(s)

Basic summary or project title

Which components does it relate to? (e.g. XMLUI, JSPUI, Solr, SWORD, API, etc)

More detailed description with any relevant links to past/current work

If you think you might be willing to mentor it, add your name!

Past Ideas for Potential DSpace GSoC projects

We have archives of all our Past GSoC Ideas Pages still available for reference/ideas. However, you should check with the available mentors before suggesting any of these older project descriptions. In some cases these projects may require rethinking to bring them up to date.

Past DSpace GSoC Projects