Islandora 11.3.1 was released on January 10th, 2012. The following release notes cover both this minor release and the full 11.3.0 release (December 20th, 2011).

New and Changed Features

To test-drive a live demo of the new Islandora release, complete with the new features listed below, please visit the Islandora Sandbox (Username: admin | Password: islandora).

Collection Manager

The Collection Manager is now a separate, optional module. However, in most cases you will want to enable this module in order to perform important functions, such as creating and managing collections.

Batch Ingest

The Batch Ingest tool is a separate, optional module. This tool, which was originally added in Islandora 11.2, allows you to upload a ZIP file containing a number of audio, basic image, large image, or PDF files. These files may optionally include associated XML metadata files - if you choose not to include such files, basic metadata records will be created using the filenames as titles. Each object created via batch ingest will have both DC and MODS Datastreams.

Book Module

The book module has been expanded to include book and page management functions. You can access the book management options under the ‘Manage This Book’ tab. The following functions are available:

You can access the page management functions by first clicking the new ‘Pages’ tab while viewing a book object; this will display thumbnails of each page. Click on an individual page to view it, then click the Manage This Page Object tab to bring up a list of page management functions:


The default collections created by the Solution Packs now all use the ‘islandora’ namespace. If you are upgrading from the Islandora 11.2 release, this will create a new Book Collection with the PID ‘islandora:bookCollection’. Your old collections will not be affected in any way by the new collection.


Our Solr interface has some new features for developers.

We now have an optional sort field - the default Solr sort field is ‘score’; this is normally the best choice, but it can now be overridden by any stored, unique, untokenized field (except Date). If you wish to sort by date, use a copyfield in your schema to create a string.

Snippets may now be selected in the Solr admin interface. The default list view will now return snippets if a suitable field is selected. If you’d like to harvest snippets for a custom view you’ll find the snippets results within the ‘highlighting’ array of the response object.

Of interest to developers - we now trigger module_invoke_all from the IslandoraSolrQueryProcessor, allowing your configuration module to make any customization to your query before its run against the solr’s lucene index. Params and filters can be added or removed at this stage.  


Islandora Repository | Documentation
Batch Ingest | Documentation
Collection Manager | Documentation
Harvester | Documentation
Solr | Documentation
Audio Solution Pack | Documentation
Books Solution Pack | Documentation
Basic Image Solution Pack | Documentation
Large Image Solution Pack | Documentation
PDF Solution Pack | Documentation
XML Forms | Documentation


Content Model Forms | Documentation
Objective FormsDocumentation
PHP LibDocumentation


Microservices | Documentation

This module is still being developed for future microservices implementations. It is not functional in its current state. Please see the GitHub documentation for more information.


Bug Fixes


Google Developers Group: For support, feedback, and bug reports.

Google Users Group: For user-related issues and information.


Islandora operates under a GNU license.