Dynamic Configurations

Lyncode is developing a new implementation for the ConfigurationManager. Features:

NOTE: Our team have internally discussed about a database based implementation (https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/DSPACE/Database+Persistence+of+Configuration+State), but it would have conceptual problems. Mainly:

API Changes : New available methods

String ConfigurationManager.getString(String key, String default);
String ConfigurationManager.getString(String module, String key, String default);
List<String> ConfigurationManager.getList(String key);
List<String> ConfigurationManager.getList(String module, String key);

Core Changes : New possible features

It's now possible to easily set/add properties and save the respective files, also it's easy to access and modify the properties description.

The under development SpringUI and its associated features made us recognize that, changing the core ConfigurationManager, is an important change to make DSpace more user friendly in the future.
