
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


**Each week a meeting chair will be assigned based on a rotating schedule.**

(star) - denotes note taker


  1. Announcements:
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. Outstanding Slack questions:
      1. https://fedora-project.slack.com/archives/C8B5TSR4J/p1710351325796309
      2. https://fedora-project.slack.com/archives/C8B5TSR4J/p1710345798396459
      3. https://fedora-project.slack.com/archives/C8B5TSR4J/p1709624865949649
  3. Migration Updates:
  4. Updates on:

    1. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 
      1. - this can probably be closed in lieu of ticket 3923
    2.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:
    3. In Review:
  5. New tickets:

  6. Backlog Tickets to consider working:
  7. Next Meeting Chair: 
    1. Chair: James Alexander
    2. Note Taker: Mike Ritter

See Rotating Schedule here  


  1. Announcements
    1. None this week
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics
    1. Outstanding Slack Questions
      1. First issue was problem with Fedora behind AWS load balancer using http instead of https; Jared referenced f3repo-docker fix for this, and it helped. We should document this somewhere – best practices for proxying Fedora.
      2. Docker issue raised on GitHub was followed up by Dan and Jared; may be a simple error, but waiting for more feedback from user.
      3. This issue involves corrupt OCFL objects in S3; Thomas offered to get more information about this, but he was not present at this week's meeting, so he was not available to provide a status update.
  3. Migration Updates
    1. Doron reported that 6.5 has been installed and is being used for ongoing migration investigations.
      1. Nothing urgent to report.
      2. Working on strategy for migrating large number (millions) of objects.
      3. Also working on metadata indexing strategy.
        1. May open a ticket about the fact that default Camel Toolbox Solr configuration is indexing everything except the dc:type field
          1. Dan will investigate this.
          2. Jared asked which version was demonstrating the problem – the new XML version recently released, or the earlier ldpath version; Doron believes this is with the latest code but will confirm.
  4. Updates on
    1. Open Tickets
      1. FCREPO-3927 - Jared opened this one after discovering some tests that were disabled and had not been re-enabled. Nearly everything is working now, but a few tests are not yet working correctly (not yet clear why – test behavior does not seem to be matching observable behavior when running code manually, and it may be related to the Jetty configuration of the test environment).

      2. FCREPO-3924 - related to tagging strategy for Docker images; no significant discussion this week

      3. FCREPO-3923 - discussion about dropping oneclick behavior. Arran doesn't think this needs to go in front of governance. This is a justifiable technical decision; there are other easy ways to quickly get an instance up and running for evaluation/testing purposes.

      4. FCREPO-3922 - HTML UI ticket – on hold for now

      5. FCREPO-3921 - related to oneclick – can be closed since oneclick is going to be removed

      6. FCREPO-3918 - Docker ticket from Thomas – no news this week

      7. FCREPO-3917 - Docker documentation ticket; Dan has opened a PR, so this may be done. Jared will review soon.

    2. In Progress Tickets
      1. None this week
    3. In Review
      1. FCREPO-3920 - closed

      2. FCREPO-3919 - Jared is currently working on this (trying to set up Solr with credentials for testing purposes)

      3. FCREPO-3913 - closed

      4. FCREPO-3912 - related to FCREPO-3917 above

  5. New Tickets
    1. None this week
  6. Backlog Tickets
    1. None discussed this week