
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and slack chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:


**Each week a meeting chair will be assigned based on a rotating schedule.**

(star) - denotes note taker


  1. Announcements:
  2. Pop-up/Other Topics:
    1. Outstanding Slack questions:
      1. https://fedora-project.slack.com/archives/C8B5TSR4J/p1710351325796309 - Correct url for access 
      2. https://fedora-project.slack.com/archives/C8B5TSR4J/p1710345798396459 - Proxy settings for tomcat - turned into documentation ticket(?) 
      3. https://fedora-project.slack.com/archives/C8B5TSR4J/p1709624865949649 - Header/sidecar files missing - no further update
      4. https://fedora-project.slack.com/archives/C8B5TSR4J/p1710762578873319 - Documents under embargo
  3. Migration Updates:
  4. Updates on:

    1. Open Tickets (but assigned in some cases): 
    2.  In Progress and older but still relevant open tickets:
    3. In Review:
  5. New tickets:

  6. Backlog Tickets to consider working:
  7. Next Meeting Chair: 
    1. Chair: Thomas Bernhart
    2. Note Taker: Doron Shalvi

See Rotating Schedule here  



Pop-up/Other topics

Migration Updates
