
Call-in Information

Time: 10:00 am, Eastern Daylight Time, or 4:00 pm, Central European Summer Time


(star)  Indicating note-taker

  1. Dragan Ivanovic (star) 
  2. Georgy Litvinov   


  1. VIVO 1.14.2
    1. Release Testing - 1.14.2
    2. Research areas
    3. Fix for date interval validation
    4. DOI claiming precision fix
  2. VIVO 1.15.0
  3. Contribution


VIVO 1.14.2

Dragan will prepare VIVO 1.14.2 Release candidate 2 which will include - 

VIVO 1.15.0

Dragan and Georgy discussed open pull requests and strategy for its merging. Dragan will send a message into committers channel to discuss small PRs, whether one reviewer might be enough for some of them. Moreover, Dragan will try to find the second reviewer for bigger PRs by using #reviewers slack channel. 

The VIVO performance

Georgy discussed the development of a more efficient system. He is planning to work on that in the next period. The plan involves updating data to disk and implementing in-memory caching to reduce the number of requests. Georgy also identified issues with the current system of rendering object properties and proposed to override the behavior of the list views, limiting the number of statements rendered at a time to reduce server and browser overhead.

Draft notes on Google Drive


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