DSpace Testathon 1.5.2!


Welcome to the DSpace Testathon page for version 1.5.2
Please install a copy of 1.5.2 to test, or use one of the test instances listed below. For support, to talk about bugs or issues, please feel free to join us in the DSpace IRC channel. The channel can be found at #dspace on chat.freenode.net, or if you prefer a web-based client, visit http_-dspace.testathon.net- http_-dspace.testathon.net-.

DSpace 1.5.2 can be download from the ContinuousIntegration support via the valiant efforts of Elliot Metsger. This means that the most current integration build is available for download and testing at the following URL's

You can also download the last revision directly from the svn (https://dspace.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dspace/branches/dspace-1_5_x) and Building DSpace From Source.

Test instances

Test instances can be found at:


(Manakin test instances)

(JSPUI test instances)

(OAI-PMH test instances)

(SWORD test instances)

(LNI test instances)


Feel free to change the structure as this Testhaton page if needed.

Please check the http://jira.dspace.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&pid=10020&status=1 (check also for comparison http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=19984&atid=119984) as well as this page to see if a problem has already been reported

You can check the subset that will be addressed in the 1.5.2 release using the "schedule filter" of the JIRA system

If you've tested something and found no problems, please report it on IRC or by editing this page. (Click UserPreferences to sign up to the Wiki, then click edit at the top of this page – it's really easy!)

Bugs found

List any bugs found here. If you find the time submit them to the JIRA Tracker System http://jira.dspace.org/jira/browse/DS and refer to the tracker id here.

Patch files

Please attach any suitable patch to the related JIRA Bug or Open a new Improvements task where appropriate. Sstarting from JIRA the prefered way to supply a patch is to attach it directly at the bug record and not open a new one.

Test (these are a fresh copy of the 1.5 alpha test

Web UI - JSP

Admin UI

Miscellaneous UI

Submission UI

*Creative commons licences

Submission workflow


under UI for now, since it's the only place it's currently used

Search and Browse

Web UI - XML

Admin UI

*Commuinities and collections

Miscellaneous UI

Submission UI

*Creative commons licences

Submission workflow


under UI for now, since it's the only place it's currently used

Search and Browse

Other functionality



Batch import/export

Media Filters


Statistical reports

Checksum checker

Installation, Updating, Deployment

Under the bonnet/hood

Database platforms

*Test fresh install

Bitstream storage

Handle Server


Content API


Packagers, crosswalks

Batch jobs

*Test batch jobs: