Step by step of how to perform a Release via Maven

This document is intended to be kept up to date by the DSpace Release Team.  It details the steps necessary to perform snapshot and official releases of DSpace and supporting Modules.

Table of Contents

For lack of a better place at this time, here's some useful pages on Sonatype which detail the Sonatype Maven Release Process:

Release Numbering Convention

As of 2012 (DSpace 3.0), DSpace has moved to a new release numbering scheme/format. Release numbers will now only consist of two numbers.

Release Numbering Scheme: [major].[minor] (e.g. 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0)

For more information see DSpace Release Numbering Scheme and the initial DSpace 3.0 Announcement

The one exception is that the Language Packs (dspace-api-lang and dspace-xmlui-lang) use the numbering convention [major].[minor].[sequence-number] (e.g. 3.0.0, 3.0.1, 3.1.0, etc.). This allows us to release new versions of the language packs more frequently than normal DSpace releases, as needed.


Verify Release Privileges

To perform a release, you must have all of the following:

  1. Write access to the DSpace GitHub repository hosted at (All Committers should already have this, obviously)
  2. Write access to the org.dspace groupId in the snapshot and staging repositories hosted at  If you don't already have this, you will need to:
  3. You mustgenerate and publish your own personal Code Signing Key (required by Sonatype). Here are two sites that give hints on how to do that:

Update Maven settings.xml

DSpace's root pom.xml already has the correct staging and snapshot repositories listed in the OSS parent's '<distributionManagement>' section.  In order to deploy, you will need to add your Sonatype OSS username and password to your local ~/.m2/settings.xml file:

<settings xmlns=""
    <!--Login info for Sonatype SnapShot repository-->
    <!--Login info for Sonatype Staging/Release repository-->

If you don't yet have a ~/.m2/settings.xml file, you should create one, and copy the full contents above (obviously make sure to put in your username and password).

Use Maven 3 or above

Make sure you're using a recent version of Maven. As of this writing, Maven 3.0.3 or 3.0.4 is known to work.

For more information see the Prerequisites section of the Sonatype Maven Repository Usage Guide

Making a Snapshot Release (e.g. 'dspace-x.y-SNAPSHOT')

One Step Process

From a clean, up-to-date copy of master/branch, run the following command:

You will have to enter in your GPG passphrase (which you established when you created your Code Signing Key).

The snapshot will be immediately available in the public Sonatype repository:

Releasing a Single Module/Project

Making an Official Release (e.g. 'dspace-x.y' or 'dspace-x.y-rc1')

These same steps are also covered in the Sonatype Maven Repository Usage Guide

Release DSpace Language Packs (I18N) Modules

If possible, you should release the DSpace Language Packs (i18n modules) before the main release. Oftentimes, it's best to release these one or two days prior to the DSpace release (that way they've already propagated out to the Maven repository).

At the moment the i18n modules are maintained in two separate GitHub projects. There are currently two i18n modules you will need to release:

Note that the version numbering convention for Language Packs is always the same as the current DSpace release, with an additional .[sequence-number]. For example, the i18n modules for the 1.8.0 release are numbered as follows:,, etc. However, for 3.0, the i18n modules will be numbered as follows: 3.0.0, 3.0.1, etc.

For each module, perform the full release steps that follow. To save space, the steps are only listed for one of the modules (but don't forget to run it for both language packs): (warning)WARNING: INSTRUCTIONS NEED UPDATE FOR GITHUB!

  1. Checkout Language Pack Module: svn co dspace-api-lang
  2. Do a Dry Run: mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true
  3. Tag and Increment Version: mvn release:prepare -Dresume=false
  4. Deploy Artifacts to Staging in Sonatype: mvn release:perform
  5. Verify and Release Staged Artifacts in Sonatype (see instructions at link)

Final Commits & Preparation

Double Check Language Packs' Version Ranges

Once the Language Packs are released, you may need to modify the DSpace root pom.xml ( to reference the new version of the Language Packs. This should be similar to the following:

If possible, you'd only want to commit this after the i18n modules are available in the Maven Repository. But, if you are in a rush, you can commit this change earlier (though be warned that this will break the build process for anyone who hasn't manually installed the i18n modules to his/her local ~/.m2/ directory).

In the main pom.xml, provide the proper version range for each language pack. In the below example, we are saying to use any language pack version which is at least version 3.0.0, but is less than version 4.0.0:

<!-- DSpace Localization Packages -->

Ensure Documentation is Updated Appropriately

Hopefully, you've already been talking with others about getting Documentation updated! (smile)

You should also double check that the following "main pages" are updated in the Documentation:

Ensure PDF version of Wiki Documentation is in GitHub

Make sure the latest Wiki-based Documentation has been exported as PDF and committed to [dspace-src]/dspace/docs/ in GitHub.

See this DSpace documentation management guide: How To Export Downloadable Docs from Wiki

Double Check Contents of all README (and similar) files in GitHub

Make sure that the contents of all README, LICENSE, LICENSES_THIRD_PARTY, NOTICE files are up-to-date in GitHub. These files reside in [dspace-src]. If anything is out-of-date, make sure to update it and commit the proper changes before continuing.

Pay close attention to the "LICENSES_THIRD_PARTY" file. You should attempt to determine if any third-party dependencies were added or removed and update their licensing information in this file. Information on the Maven commands that may come in handy when updating this file can be found in the Notes at the end of the "LICENSES_THIRD_PARTY" file.

Checkout Master or Branch to Release

Checkout a fresh copy of the to-be-released version either from a branch or master. For example:

git clone ~/dspace-release
cd ~/dspace-release
git checkout master

Note: do not just re-use an old working copy of the DSpace Master branch, for obvious reasons, you don't want your own work in progress sneaking into the release. It's also important to use the SSH repository path as noted above (NOT the https URL), otherwise you will be prompted for your GitHub credentials during the release process. More than once. Save yourself some time, be sure to use the SSH path.

Update your Local Maven Cache

Before starting the release, you should ensure your local maven cache (~/.m2/repository) is completely up-to-date by running (from [dspace-src]):

mvn install

Updating your local maven cache will help to ensure that the release process goes more smoothly, and should help you to avoid any errors having to do with Maven being unable to locate any particular dependencies.

Do a Dry Run

This step is not required, but performs a useful sanity check without committing any changes. From your clean, up-to-date copy of master/branch, run the following command (from [dspace-src]):

mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true

You will have to enter in your GPG passphrase (which you established when you created your Code Signing Key).

If you notice an issue or an error occurs, you can re-run the Dry Run using the following command:

  • mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true -Dresume=false

You can also clean up any of the release files that the Dry Run created, and just re-run it.

  • mvn release:clean
  • mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true

Tag and Increment Version

This step will set the version declared in the project's pom.xml files, commit the changes to master/branch, tag the release, and finally, check in the master/branch change that increments the next development version (e.g. x.y-SNAPSHOT) in the pom.xml files. Run the following (from [dspace-src]):

mvn release:prepare -Dresume=false

(Optionally, you may also include the parameters -Dusername=YourGitHubUsername -Dpassword=YourGitHubPassword at the end of the above command, though I've not found these to be necessary)

The above command will ask you three basic questions. Here are sample answers for DSpace 3.0:

"What is the release version for: XXX" : 3.0

  • NOTE: This is the release # to put in the final tagged Maven POMs.
  • Examples:
    • For a "3.0" final release, it should look like: 3.0
    • For a "3.0 Release Candidate #1" release, it should look like: 3.0-rc1

"What is SCM release tag or label for: XXXX" : dspace-3.0

  • NOTE: This is the tag name in GitHub
  • Examples:
    • For a "3.0" final release, it should look like: dspace-3.0
    • For a "3.0 Release Candidate #1" release, it should look like: dspace-3.0-rc1

"What is the new development version for: XXXX" : 3.1-SNAPSHOT

  • NOTE: This is the next release number which all POMs should be incremented to on "master"branch.
  • Examples:
    • For a "3.0" final release (3.0), the next version should be: 3.1-SNAPSHOT
    • For a "3.0 Release Candidate #1" release (3.0-rc1), the next version should be: 3.0-rc2-SNAPSHOT

You will also have to enter in your GPG passphrase (which you established when you created your Code Signing Key).

As the release process scrolls by, you likely will see a LOT of "WARNING" messages.  Don't worry, these should be just Javadocs warnings, and can be safely ignored.  Just be patient, and see if it all succeeds in the end.

What do successful tagging results look like?

Assuming everything worked right, you should see ALL the following changes in GitHub:

  1. A newly tagged version of DSpace under: (and the "pom.xml" files in that tagged version should have <version> tags that correspond to the release version)
  2. All "pom.xml" files in the master branch should be updated to the next version.
  3. You should also see a results message like this. (Don't worry about the "SKIPPED" messages, those are normal, as the actual release process just runs from the "DSpace Parent Project")

    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Reactor Summary:
    [INFO] DSpace Parent Project ............................. SUCCESS [2.320s]
    [INFO] DSpace Services Framework :: API and Implementation  SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace Kernel :: API and Implementation ........... SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace Addon Modules .............................. SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace Kernel :: Additions and Local Customizations  SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace XML-UI (Manakin) ........................... SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace XML-UI (Manakin) :: Local Customizations ... SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace LNI ........................................ SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace LNI :: Local Customizations ................ SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace JSP-UI ..................................... SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace JSP-UI :: Local Customizations ............. SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace SWORD ...................................... SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace SWORD :: Local Customizations .............. SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace SWORD v2 ................................... SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace SWORD v2 :: Local Customizations ........... SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace SOLR :: Local Customizations ............... SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace OAI 2.0 .................................... SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace OAI 2.0 :: Local Customizations ............ SKIPPED
    [INFO] DSpace Assembly and Configuration ................. SKIPPED
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

What to do if you get tagging Errors?


The mvn release:prepare command may fail to compile part way through the process, complaining that an internal project dependency is not met. If this occurs, don't worry. You just may need to ensure those dependencies get installed to your local cache.  To fix this, you should be able to run the following:

  1. mvn release:clean   (clean out any files created by the previous "mvn release:prepare")
  2. mvn install
  3. mvn release:prepare

If backing out of this step is needed for any reason, the following will restore the github repository and your working copy to the state it was previously in:

  1. mvn release:rollback
    • Warning: running a "mvn release:rollback" will perform an immediate, automatic push to GitHub master, rolling back any previously committed POM version changes.
    • If you want to avoid the immediate, automatic push to GitHub master, you may be able to use "mvn release:clean" to just clean up the locally made release preparations.
  2. Now delete the tag in GitHub (local & remote)
    • git tag -d dspace-x.y
    • git push origin :refs/tags/dspace-x.y

Deploy Artifacts to Staging in Sonatype

This step will sign, checksum, and push all release artifacts (including javadocs and sources) to the Sonatype staging repository ( Run the following (from [dspace-src]):

mvn release:perform

You should be prompted by Maven to specify your GPG passphrase (which you established when you created your Code Signing Key). If you run into any issues, it's possible to specify your GPG key and passphrase as arguments to the above command (e.g. -Darguments="-Dgpg.keyname=YourKeyId -Dgpg.passphrase=YourKeyPassword")

If any errors or problems occur during the deploy, you can re-run mvn release:perform safely after fixing those issues (re-running it will just overwrite existing staged contents).

Verify and Release Staged Artifacts in Sonatype

For screenshots and more details on this step, visit the Sonatype Repository Usage Guide's section on Releasing your artifacts

  1. Login to
  2. Click "Staging Repositories" in the left column, then select the checkbox next to the staged repository on the right. The contents of it will open up at the bottom of the page.
  3. With the staged repository still selected, click the "Close" button at the top.
  4. Download and test that the artifacts in staging are exactly as they should be once deployed to central.

    If anything is incorrect, select the staged repository and select "Drop". After the problem is resolved, you can re-deploy the artifacts to staging and verify them again. To re-deploy an already-tagged release:
    mvn release:perform -Dtag=dspace-x.y -Darguments="-Dgpg.keyname=YourKeyId -Dgpg.passphrase=YourKeyPassword"

  5. If everything looks good, select the repository and select "Release". The artifacts should be synced to Maven central ( within an hour.

    Once you select "Release", there is no way to "undo" the release. If any major issues are found, you'll have to increment the version number and perform a new bug-fix release.

Create the Distribution Zips for SourceForge

The previous actions will have checked out the release tag into the target directory under [dspace-src]/target/checkout. Navigate to that directory and execute the creation of the distributions using the following command. This will create two zip, bzip and gzipped files in the target directory. One set of files is the "binary" release, and the other set is the source release.

(Note: If you've already removed the target/checkout directory, you can also checkout a fresh copy of the newly tagged version and run this command from the DSpace parent directory.)

localhost$ cd target/checkout
 localhost$ mvn package -Pdistributions
 [INFO] Scanning for projects...
 [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 [INFO] Building DSpace Parent Project
 [INFO]    task-segment: [package]
 [INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 [INFO] [site:attach-descriptor]
 [INFO] [assembly:single -(execution. default-)]
 [INFO] Building zip: .../target/
 [INFO] Building tar: .../target/dspace-1.8.0-release.tar.gz
 [INFO] Building tar: .../target/dspace-1.8.0-release.tar.bz2
 [INFO] Building zip: .../target/
 [INFO] Building tar: .../target/dspace-1.8.0-src-release.tar.gz
 [INFO] Building tar: .../target/dspace-1.8.0-src-release.tar.bz2
 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
 [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Upload to SourceForge

Upload both the source and binary releases to You can either upload them via the web interface, or copy them over via scp or other command line tools. If you want to copy the files from command line, follow the directions found here:

Using scp to copy to the "DSpace Stable" file directory: (example for 1.8.0 final)
(NOTE: You will need to first create the 'DSpace Stable/1.8.0' directory via SourceForge's Admin UI)

scp <files> <username>,"/home/frs/project/d/ds/dspace/DSpace\\ Stable/1.8.0/"

Using scp to copy to the "DSpace Release Candidate" file directory: (example for 1.8.0-rc2)
(NOTE: You will need to first create the 'DSpace Release Candidate/1.8.0-rc2' directory via SourceForge's Admin UI)

scp <files> <username>,"/home/frs/project/d/ds/dspace/DSpace\\ Release\\ Candidate/1.8.0-rc2/"

After the Release is Finished

You must wait for all the packages to be available at before you announce the release. Until the DSpace packages are available in the Maven repository, no one else will be able to build DSpace using Maven.

Possible Errors you may Encounter

"Could not find model file" error (with language packs)

If you encounter one of these errors when building/packaging DSpace:

FATAL ERROR: "Reason: Could not find the model file '../dspace-xmlui-lang'. for project unknown"


FATAL ERROR: "Reason: Could not find the model file '../dspace-api-lang'. for project unknown"

This is a known bug in Maven. The problem is that you likely have a 'dspace-xmlui-lang' or 'dspace-api-lang' folder at the same level as your [dspace-source] parent folder. Essentially, Maven located them and tried to add them into the build process (which it shouldn't have). The fix is to completely delete the 'dspace-xmlui-lang' and 'dspace-api-lang' folders, and try to rebuild DSpace.


Advice for future Release Coordinators

With a straight face assure the next Release Coordinator that 'Maven is easy' and there is nothing to be afraid of, then put your feet up and open a beer.