A number of independent VIVO teams are submitting abstracts for posters and presentations and in the near future will be writing manuscripts related to the NIH-funded VIVO project. To ensure consistency and in order to assign proper authorship and retain the ability to track work product coming from the project, the National Outreach Group presents the following recommendations for consideration:

  1. The term “VIVO” (rather than “VIVOweb”) will be used in all work product. If abstracts have already been submitted using the term “VIVOweb”, it is the responsibility of the submitting author to work with the program organizers to change the text to read “VIVO”.
  2. As grant PI, Mike Conlon must be consulted concerning his potential authorship on each publication, presentation, and poster coming out of the VIVO project. If he does want authorship, his name would appear as the last individual author on the "named" author list, except in cases where he has taken the lead on a project. Note – Mike’s preferred title and affiliation will change depending on the venue; consult him for preference.
  3. Named Authorship – Each VIVO team writing a paper, poster or presentation will have responsibility for determining named authorship for their work product (recommendations 2 and 3 above which would be enacted in every case.) It would be expected that named authors would include individuals within and outside of the responsible team, based on the topic of interest. For example, a paper related to librarian roles that was developed by the national outreach team could include VIVO librarians even if they are not part of the national outreach team. Authorship order (aside from recommendations 2 and 4 below) would be determined by the individual team submitting the work.
  4. The corporate name - VIVO Collaboration - must appear at the very end of the named author line on each publication, presentation, and poster coming out of the VIVO project.
    The use of corporate name is commonplace when referring to corporate bodies - groups of persons that act as a single entity such as associations, conferences, institutions, business firms, or government agencies. Corporate name is being used frequently for clinical trials and specific research teams - see the INVEST Investigators (PubMed record 19711440 ). Corporate authorship will be useful in several ways:

Have you submitted or published a peer reviewed paper regarding VIVO? Are you planning to? We need a complete list of all papers submitted or published during the grant period for inclusion in our final report. If you have a paper published or submitted, please contact Leslie McIntosh
http://vivo.wustl.edu/display/hrfact1280951568] for inclusion of citation information in the annual report.