Daily release planning standup meetings are held at noon Eastern Daylight Time

Why v1.6 and not 2.0?

Given the ontology and directory layout changes, should this be version 2?

Please note that these are proposed features for VIVO 1.6, not commitments by the VIVO development community


The VIVO 1.6 development time frame is roughly November through June with the goal of having a VIVO 1.6 out before the VIVO Conference, to be held this year in St. Louis, Missouri from August 14-16.

The list of candidate features and tasks below include both major and minor items from earlier road maps and development planning documents. Where appropriate, stages are suggested for development and implementation to reflect necessary design time or to allow for refinement of an initial design based on user feedback.

Please also note that significant changes are being made to the VIVO ontology through the CTSAconnect project and collaborations with euroCRIS and CASRAI. We anticipate more changes to the ontology for VIVO 1.6 than in recent releases, but most of the changes will affect the modular organization of the ontology and the class and property URIs and/or labels rather than the structure or design patterns in the ontology.

The following proposed features are not in priority or temporal order.

Key to symbols

(tick) the work for this is basically done, even if an issue has not yet been created to track final completion

(thumbs up) we have this work underway – check the related JIRA issue to track progress

(question) we think we understand this but are not sure it will make it into the release – if there's a JIRA issue linked, please go vote on it and comment to indicate why it should be either bumped up or deferred

(lightbulb) good idea that we aren't quite sure what to do with yet

(warning) this feature still needs further clarification, requirements analysis or design work so will not be included in VIVO v1.6

(thumbs down) we don't see any way to do this for 1.6


There are a number of possible routes to performance improvement for VIVO, and we seek input from the community on what the primary pain points are. Some performance issues are related to installation and configuration of VIVO and we are working on improving documentation, notably on MySQL tuning, and troubleshooting, but page caching has emerged as the primary performance-related improvement for 1.6.

Page caching


As more data is added to VIVO, some profiles get very large, most commonly when a person accumulates hundreds of publications that much each be included in rendering the person's profile page. While we continue to look at ways to improve query speeds, if you need your VIVO to display all pages with more or less equivalent, sub-second rendering times, some form of page caching at the Apache level using a tool such as Squid is necessary. Apache is very fast at displaying static HTML pages, and Squid saves a copy of every page rendered in a cache from which the page can be rendered by Apache rather than generated once again by VIVO. The good news:

However, there are several issues to be resolved in making this work as anticipated

Griffith University has implemented page caching and Arve Solland gave a talk on this and other aspects of the Griffith Research Hub at the 2012 VIVO conference.

Other approaches to performance improvement

There are also other ways to address performance that could be argued are more effective in the long run

Installation and Testing

Adapting VIVO to the Integrated Semantic Framework ontology

(thumbs up) 

Site and Page Management

Support for sameAs statements


When 2 URIs are declared to be the same in VIVO, all the statements about both will be displayed for either (e.g., Israel and Israel).

 Improvements are needed, however:

For 1.6

It may be a first step to simply show a link to the equivalent URI, with some form of "see also" label

A constrained approach could disable sameAs reasoning in our simple reasoner, which will start filling in for one URI everything that is inferred about the other

More general support for sameAs

Web service for the RDF API

Serialize/restore a set of graphs in quad format


This would support reading and writing data like class groups


Other candidate issues relating to content editing

Ingest Tools


(thumbs up) Also referred to and documented as Multiple Language Support in VIVO

(thumbs down) Improving the VIVO editing interface(s) to support specification of language tags


Adding better support for named graphs in the UI (the application already handles named graphs internally and through the Ingest Tools menu).

In many cases one goal of using a named graph is to assure that the content in the graph is not editable, so we need to be careful here. For 1.6, the enhancements under consideration include


Data Query, Export and Reporting

CV generation

Search indexing improvements


Jim Blake did significant work during the 1.5 development cycle learning about and the OSGi framework and exploring how it could be applied to VIVO, as documented at Modularity/extension prep - development component for v1.5.

There are no plans to implement additional modularity inside VIVO for 1.6, although the Web service for the RDF API work element would enable other applications to write as well as read VIVO data and support a more modular approach to adding functionality to VIVO.

Tools outside VIVO (not linked to the 1.6 release)

Weill's VIVO Dashboard

Paul Albert has been working with a summer intern and others at Weill Cornell to develop the Drupal-based tool for visualizing semantic data. This project provides a number of candidate visualizations and reports that will likely be of interest to other VIVO adopters, and there may be enhancements to VIVO that make this kind of reporting dashboard easier to implement.

URI Tool

The URI Tool is a separate, simple application designed to facilitate data cleanup in VIVO following ingest, often from multiple sources. The tool can be configured to run one of four or five pre-defined queries to identify journals, people, organizations, or articles with very similar names. A bare-bones editing interface allows a relatively untrained user to step through lists of paired or grouped candidates for merging, identify which existing properties to keep, and confirm that the candidates should be merged. Links to the actual entry in VIVO facilitate verification. When the review process is complete, the URI Tool application writes out both retraction and addition files, which can then be removed from or added to VIVO using commands on the ingest menu.


This tool does not replace the need for author disambiguation and other cleanup work prior to ingest, for which the Google Refine extensions for VIVO and the Harvester tool have been developed. However, it does have the potential to become a considerable time saver for cleaning data once loaded into VIVO.