1. Download Solr to your local environment and unpack the downloaded file.

2. Create a directory for Solr. These instructions presume that it will be installed at ~/opt/solr:

mkdir -p /opt/solr

3. Drag or mv the .war file that is located under the dist directory of your unpacked download to the newly created /opt/solr directory.

4. Create a new file called solr.xml under $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost and insert the following into the newly created solr.xml file:

<Context docBase="/opt/solr/apache-solr-1.4.1.war" debug="0" crossContext="true">

<Environment name="solr/home" type="java.lang.String" value="/usr/local/fedora/gsearch_solr/solr" override="true" />


5. Navigate to Fedora's home directory and create a gsearch_solr directory:


mkdir gsearch_solr

6. Navigate into your newly created gsearch_solr directory:

cd gsearch_solr

7. Copy the entire contents of the Solr directory (located under /exmple/solr from the unpacked zipped file) to the gsearch_solr directory you just created.

cp -r ~/opt/solr/example/solr $FEDORA_HOME/gsearch_solr

8. Navigate into the Solr directory and run a print working directory (pwd) command. The system response should yield usr/local/fedora/gsearch_solr/solr

cd $FEDORA_HOME/gsearch_solr


9. Restart your web server.

10. Solr should now be up and running. Verify this by going to http://server:8080/solr/admin.