
The Large Image Solution Pack module supports ingesting and viewing TIF/TIFF files, which by nature tend to be extremely large in both filesize and resolution. The module supports creation of derivatives for use when a smaller filesize is necessary, and also supports the installation of image viewers that can accommodate the larger resolution.




The Large Image Solution Pack module's configuration page can be found at http://path.to.your.site/admin/islandora/large_image, and contains the following settings:


If no viewers are installed, the Large Image Solution Pack module will use its standard viewer to display images. For better results, the OpenSeadragon library can be installed; check that page for further instructions. If it is installed, it can be selected here.

Content Models, Prescribed Datastreams and Forms

The Large Image Solution Pack comes with the following objects in http://path.to.your.site/admin/islandora/solution_packs:

An image ingested using the Large Image Solution Pack's content model using ImageMagick will have the following datastreams:


Default Fedora relationship metadata


MODS record filled out during ingest


Dublin Core record


Original TIFF file uploaded

JP2JPEG 2000 derivative created by ImageMagick or Kakadu
JPGMedium-sized JPEG created by ImageMagick and used in the standard image viewer
TNThumbnail icon created from the image during the ingest process

The Large Image Solution Pack comes with the Large image MODS form.