Regular Attendees


The meeting will be in two parts:

First Part 11-1
Second Part 3-5

Discussion Topics

CSF = Critcal Success Factor
Risk = Not a negative but just a potential barrier to progress which needs to be identified and mitigated

What forms a critical code mass?

CSF - We should have an integrated product by the end of 0.2 upon which we can add features incrementally.

Question: What components/services are in this mix?

Synchronization Service Watcher

Object Creation Service

Question: What is the development/demonstration environment?

CSF - Demonstration Stories

Question: How do we explain what is working and what is to be developed?

CSF - Partners

CSF - UI Work

Question: How do we want to engage researchers in 0.2?
Question: How do we want to work with SI in 0.2?

Risks (and how to mitigate them)

SI - What is there are problems integrating with SI from an information perspective?
SI - What if there are problems integration with SI from an security perspective?
SI - What do we do if we need to alter SI code?
SI - Can we demonstrate SI in an integrated fashion in 0.2?
SI - Is base Islandora a fallback?


Need to define encryption strategy in 0.2 (strategy, not impl)

Notes for Iteration Planning 2012-04-09