
The Sync Tool is a utility which was created in order to provide a simple way to move files from a local file system to DuraCloud.


Download the Sync Tool from the Downloads page. Note that this is the same file as is available via the "Get Sync Tool" button on the DuraCloud UI.


The Sync Tool requires that Java version 7 or above be installed on your system in order to run. Java can be downloaded from here.

If you are using a Mac and have questions about Java 7, you will likely find answers here.

If you cannot upgrade to Java 7 now, you have the option of using an older version of either the Sync Tool (which is available here) or the Upload Tool (which is available here). This version of the Sync Tool only includes a command line interface. The Upload Tool provides a graphical interface (a GUI), but is not as full featured as the Sync Tool.

Sync Tool Interfaces

The Sync Tool has two interfaces, providing the choice of whether the user prefers a command line or a graphical display.


As the Sync Tool transfers files to DuraCloud, it will attempt to capture certain types of metadata about each file, and include that information as part of the content item added to DuraCloud. The list below describes the metadata that is captured automatically. You have the option to add, update, or delete the properties of each file that has been transferred to DuraCloud.