The DSpace command launcher or CLI interface offers the execution of different maintenance scripts. As most of these are already documented in related parts of the documentation, this page is mainly intended to provide an overview of all available CLI operations, with links to the appropriate documentation.

Executing command line scripts

ADD general howto for executing command line scripts

Raw list of all available scripts

- checker: Run the checksum checker
- checker-emailer: Send emails related to the checksum checker
- classpath: Calculate and display the DSpace classpath
- cleanup: Remove deleted bitstreams from the assetstore
- community-filiator: Tool to manage community and sub-community relationships
- create-administrator: Create a DSpace administrator account
- curate: Perform curation tasks on DSpace objects
- dsprop: View a DSpace property from dspace.cfg
- dsrun: Run a class directly
- embargo-lifter: Embargo manager tool used to check, list and lift embargoes
- export: Export items or collections
- filter-media: Perform the media filtering to extract full text from documents and to create thumbnails
- generate-sitemaps: Generate search engine and html sitemaps
- harvest: Manage the OAI-PMH harvesting of external collections
- import: Import items into DSpace
- index: General index command (requires extra parameters)
- index-init: Initialise the search and browse indexes
- index-update: Update the search and browse indexes
- itemcounter: Update the item strength counts in the user interface
- itemupdate: Item update tool for altering metadata and bitstream content in items
- make-handle-config: Run the handle server simple setup command
- metadata-export: Export metadata for batch editing
- metadata-import: Import metadata after batch editing
- packager: Execute a packager
- registry-loader: Load entries into a registry
- stat-general: Compile the general statistics
- stat-initial: Compile the initial statistics
- stat-monthly: Compile the monthly statistics
- stat-report-general: Create the general statistics report
- stat-report-initial: Create the initial statistics report
- stat-report-monthly: Create the monthly statistics report
- stats-log-converter: Convert dspace.log files ready for import into solr statistics
- stats-log-importer: Import previously converted log files into solr statistics
- stats-log-importer-elasticsearch: Import solr-format converted log files into Elastic Search statistics
- stats-util: Statistics Client for Maintenance of Solr Statistics Indexes
- structure-builder: Build DSpace community and collection structure
- sub-daily: Send daily subscription notices
- test-database: Test the DSpace database connection is OK
- setup-database: Create the database tables
- clean-database: Remove the database tables
- test-email: Test the DSpace email server settings are OK
- update-handle-prefix: Update handle records and metadata when moving from one handle to another
- update-discovery-index: Update Discovery Solr Search Index
- migrate-embargo: Embargo manager tool used to migrate old version of Embargo to the new one included in dspace3
- oai: OAI script manager