up to Tour start | 1: what's VIVO? | 2: what's different? | 3: starting a VIVO project | 4: VIVO in an information ecosystem | 5: VIVO as data

This page is part 6 of a short, self-paced tour introducing VIVO for use in an interactive workshop or online.

VIVO in production

Browsing existing production VIVO sites in addition to our community sandbox at vivo.vivoweb.org can give you a good sense of what's possible through the creative customization and extension of VIVO technologies.

Public VIVO Implementations

please add your institution's VIVO as it becomes public

For more information

View the slides and/or video recordings of the Spring, 2013 DuraSpace Community Webinar Series Five: VIVO -- Research Discovery & Networking

Learning about VIVO

(end of tour)