This section covers common issues and problems with the Islandora installation process, and community experiences that may shed light on the installation experience. This page is a work in progress and will develop as more cases are added.

Unable to connect to Fedora server

There are a number of potential causes for this error. Some possibilities include:

Certificate Validation

What to try: Disable certificate validation in the Islandora module:

nano -w sites/all/modules/islandora/islandora/libraries/tuque/HttpConnection.php

  /** * FALSE to stop cURL from verifying the peer's certificate. (Default: TRUE) * @var type boolean */
  public $verifyPeer = FALSE;

Drupal servlet filter

What to try:  

  1. Make sure mysql settings are correct in server/config/filter-drupal.xml 
    1. Open a mysql command line client using the credential from filter-drupal.xml
    2. Run an sql query using a valid username and password from your Islandora site. If this fails, and <param name="ENFORCE-MODE" value="permit-all-requests"/> is uncommented in your fedora.fcfg there is an issue with the settings in filter-drupal.xml.

  2. If you have curl installed at the command line:
    1. Try interacting with the Fedora REST API directly with this command:

      curl -u fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin -X POST http://localhost:8080/fedora/objects/new\?namespace\=test

      This makes a POST request as the user "fedoraAdmin" identified by the password "fedoraAdmin". This should create a new object in the repository with the namespace "test". For example,  "test:1"


What to try: Take down the firewall temporarily to see if the error resolves. If so, an exception is needed.


What to try:

With thank to the Islandora Community and the user and developer listervs for contributing issues, tests, and solutions.