
This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join...here's the info:




3.7 Release Status

  1. Ben is wrapping up issues
  2. Working on library upgrades
  3. Working on connection management
  4. Branch - uniform http
  5. Release candidate - timing dependent on current clean-up


  1. Turn them in, contributors!

AuthN/AuthZ Work

  1. Design: https://wiki.duraspace.org/display/FF/Authentication+and+Authorization
  2. Questions
    1. Policies concerned with API (actions) or object structure (nodes mgmt)
    2. More at the link
    3. Going forward with JBoss’s OSS XACML implementation
    4. Possible dependency on MODE-1920 if authZ pushed into the JCR level
    5. Possible to use MODE’s Changeset API as the evaluation point?
    6. Figuring out relationship of OAuth tokens, roles, etc. to the PDP/enforcement framework
      • Tokens are related to a few things:
        • User
        • Scopes - tend to be broader than resources
        • Client working on behalf of the user
    7. Could we get a Hydra institution to sponsor an alternative “PDP” impl around RightsMetadata?
      • Contact Hydra steering team
    8. Greg Jansen is pretty familiar with XACML syntax
    9. How insulated is xacml from fedora4?
      • Create policies around object model - helps keep xacml separate
    10. Would be good if demo on oxford would use an external oauth provider (google...)

Policy Driven Storage

  1. Design/implementation in-progress for updating policy configuration via HTTP
  2. Would like to be able to make storage decision based on any type of property

Asynchronous Storage

  1. References
  2. Regarding async HTTP-API
  3. JAX-RS-2.0 has the async notion built into its Client spec