This page is just general notes on the OSTP-related SHARE proposal from ARL/AAU/APLU It is not a formal statement from DuraSpace. But, members of the community are welcome to comment on these notes or help to enhance them.

General comments/questions from DuraSpace/others are made throughout the below summary and are marked as such.

The Proposal

The full text (PDF) of the proposal is available at:

High Level Summary

The SHARE proposal suggests a number of functions and metadata fields that would need to be captured by repositories.  We've attempted to briefly summarize them below. But, the full text of the Proposal has additional details.

Minimum SHARE metadata fields

These are the listed minimum SHARE metadata fields as noted near the beginning of the "How SHARE Works" section of the proposal:

  1. author
  2. article title
  3. journal title
  4. abstract
  5. award number
  6. Principal Investigator ID (ORCID or ISNI)
  7. designated repository number

In Support of Principal Investigators

As described in the paragraph about requirements of Principal Investigators (PIs), repositories may need to be able to "capture" or log the following:

  1. "Sufficient copyright licenses to enable permanent archiving, access, and reuse of publications"

General Repository Functions

As described in the "SHARE workflow" paragraphs, a repository would need to support the following functions:

  1. Be able to accept XML versions of manuscripts from Journal publishers
  2. Make article available to search engines
  3. Must be able to link to publisher's website
  4. Support embargo
  5. Certify compliance with agencies

Requisite Conditions

As noted in the proposal, the "following precursors are required immediately to implement SHARE as a solution to the OSTP memorandum.":

  1. Principal Investigator (PI) Identifier (recommended to use either ORCID or ISNI)
  2. Award Identification Number - assigned by Federal agencies
  3. Copyright License Terms - "requires a standardized and coded expression ... for machine processing"
  4. Repository Designation ID Number - "to identify the repository access location"
  5. Preservation Rights - "required to be coded into the metadata residing with the record"

Phase ONE (12-18 months)

Additional requirements for Phase One, after which "the SHARE system will be available for both deposit and access".

  1. PI Identifier  (Also mentioned in "Requisite Conditions")
  2. Award Number (Also mentioned in "Requisite Conditions")
  3. Publication ID - "unique, persistent identifier to reference the journal article of the publication"
  4. Data Set ID - "resolvable, persistent identifier to location of stored data or data sets that are linked to the published article"
  5. Copyright License Conditions (Also mentioned in "Requisite Conditions")
  6. Sponsoring/Funding Agency Name - "Link to agency providing funding so that reports can be automatically returned"
  7. Reporting - "Creates a feedback loop to the federal agency and the PI's research office providing tracking of publications resulting from awards funded by the agency"
  8. Core Usage Statistics - "Reports to authors (and agencies, if desired) include statistical data on usage activity and downloads of their publications."
  9. Metadata Exposed to Search Engines
  10. SWORD
  11. OpenURL
  12. Some connections to Digital Preservation Network (DPN)? - "All phases connect with and take advantage of the Digital Preservation Network (DPN)"

Phase TWO (6-12 months after phase one)

Required in support of phase two.  Begun "concurrently with Phase One activities".

  1. Submission Workflow - "Development of software to automate and optimize article submission from author through repository and to publisher"
  2. Usage Metrics
  3. Reporting
  4. Incorporate OAI-ORE
  5. Certification
  6. Adoption of Best Practices


Phase Three envisions "more complex interactions with SHARE", and includes:

  1. Text and Data Mining
  2. Bulk Harvesting
  3. Semantic Data
  4. API Specifications
  5. ResourceSync
  6. Open Annotation

Phase FOUR

Phase Four involves "development of infrastructure relationships to support data requirements of federal agencies"

  1. Data Curation and Associated Software
  2. Linked Data
  3. Shared Distributed Resources in Repositories