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Fedora 3.6 Release Notes

Release Date: August 7, 2012:

We are proud to announce the release of Fedora 3.6. Some of the notable new features and changes include:

You are encouraged to download this new release and give it a spin. Please let us have your comments and feedback via the mailing lists, and of course please let us know of any problems you discover.

For a detailed list of features and bugfixes comprising this release see the tables below.


Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this release. In particular, thanks to:

Tomcat 5.5 and earlier are no longer supported. This release has been extensively tested with Tomcat 6.0.x, and is also known to work with Tomcat 7.0.x

As part of ongoing cleanup efforts, REST API responses have been fixed so that they are now fully compliant with their declared schema. This means that some responses might be slightly different when compared to those from earlier releases. For more information, see the overarching issue in Jira

Features and Improvements

Bug Fixes

Previous Release Notes

The release notes for older versions of Fedora can be found in the documentation for each version. You can find the documentation for all versions here