Committer/Special Topic Meetings

The Fedora Repository committers hold an open meeting every Thursday at 11:00am (US Eastern Time).  Usually these are focused on getting updates on what people have been working on lately, as well as reviewing any newly-submitted issues. We invite you to come and participate, or just listen in. The agenda and notes (IRC Logs) of each of these meetings are available below.

Often, instead of a committer meeting, we hold a "Special Topic" meeting.  The format of these meetings will vary, but generally involves a discussion of a particular area of interest to the Fedora development community.  These discussions are also open to anyone in the community to join in and participate.  If you have an idea for a future Special Topic meeting, please add it below!

Recent/Upcoming Meetings:

Historic Meeting Notes..

Future Special Topic Candidates

  1. Object-level Versioning
  2. SDef/SDep improvements
  3. Datastream/Object versioning
  4. High Level Storage
  5. Module Architecture Development
  6. Semweb Improvements
  7. Performance testing
  8. Islandora Intro/Update
  9. JCR Tools Intro/Update - Guest speaker from Northwestern
  10. Workflow integration: suggested changes to core
    1. If any are identified by people doing workflow w/Fedora
  11. CMA Design Issue - Coupling of structural descriptions of objects and "behaviors": is the cModel-to-SDef "providesService" arc a good thing?  See: FCREPO-527