Now that you have Fedora 4 running either as a war deployed to Tomcat or via Maven and Jetty, you can navigate in your web-browser to the HTML front end of Fedora 4.
Which should be located here: http://localhost:8080/rest
The interface is comprised of several regions:

The Navigation Bar


From here you can navigate between Home/Namespace/Workspaces and the search interface. 


Is where the heart is, also where you will spend most of your time.

From here you can:

Fedora 4 is different from Fedora 3 in that there is an innate tree hierarchy to the repository rather than a flat hierarchy. 

Navigate Hierarchy

Just below the Navigation bar, we have the path to the Object (Which is also it's identifier) displayed as the page's title. 

The displayed breadcrumbs can be used to navigate back up the hierarchy to the ancestors of the currently display object.

Inspect Properties

Here all the properties that describe the object are enumerated, as well as some of the child Object / Data-stream properties.



You can ingest new Object's and Data-streams via the "Create New Node" widget. You can either give your own identifier or use an auto-generated one.

Newly ingested Objects and Data-streams will occur under the Object in which you are currently viewing.

Currently creating Data-streams is not functional though this interface.

Update Properties


This takes a Sparql 1.1 query that Delete/Insert/Update existing properties on on the object in which you are currently viewing.

See and for more information.


In Fedora 4 all namespaces used should be registered, the Namespaces page lists all registered namespaces and allows the user to register new namespaces.