Fedora 4 uses servlet container authentication (Realms) to provide minimal protection for your repository with a master "superuser" user and password.  The superuser credentials are configured in your web application container's properties file;  once configured, all management (write) operations will require authentication.  This document describes how to set up Fedora to enable HTTP Basic Authentication, using simple file-based users.  Consult your web application server documentation for other ways to configure and manage users;  Fedora can handle any principal passed to it by the servlet container, as provisioned by any of the container's supported authentication mechanisms.

The superuserrole is fedoraAdmin.  This is comparable to the fedoraAdmin superuser role in Fedora 3, used for Fedora 3 API-M operations.

  1. Configure your repo.xml file

    Add the beans authenticationProvider and pep to your repo.xml file, and make the modeshapeRepofactory bean dependent on authenticationProvider.  Use the class org.fcrepo.auth.ServletContainerAuthenticationProvider as your authentication provider.  Here is an example repo.xml that configures authentication and authorization using the Basic Roles PEP:

        <bean name="modeshapeRepofactory"
        <bean name="pep" class="org.fcrepo.auth.roles.basic.BasicRolesPEP"/>                                                                                       
        <bean name="authenticationProvider" class="org.fcrepo.auth.ServletContainerAuthenticationProvider">                                                        
            <property name="pep" ref="pep"/>                                                                                                                       
  2. Configure your repository.json file

    Add or modify the security section to enable an authenticated internal session between Fedora and ModeShape.  It should match this block:

    "security" : {        
            "anonymous" : {
                "roles" : ["readonly","readwrite","admin"],
                "useOnFailedLogin" : false
            "providers" : [
                { "classname" : "org.fcrepo.auth.ServletContainerAuthenticationProvider" }
  3. Configure your web application container


See the Jetty Authentication documentation for more details. 

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