This document is a guide to getting up and running with Fedora as quickly as possible.


There are two primary ways of deploying Fedora 4. The first ("one-click run") is an easy way to get Fedora 4 running to test out the basic features. The second ("servlet container install") is the approach to be used in production installations.

One-Click Run

  1. Download one of the following executable WAR files
  2. Either double-click on the download, or run the following command to start Fedora 4

    java -jar fedora-4...war
  3. Once Fedora 4 is seen to be running at the following URL, start exploring the feature tour


    Note, port 8080 is the default. Replace that port number in the above URL if you used a different value.

Servlet Containers

Alternatively, instead of deploying Fedora 4 via the "one-click run", the Fedora 4 web-application can be installed by dropping the WAR file into a servlet 3 container, such as Tomcat 7 or Jetty 9.

Tomcat 7

  1. Download and install Tomcat
  2. Copy the Fedora 4 WAR file into Tomcat's "webapps" directory (e.g. /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps)


Jetty 9

Next Steps

Once Fedora 4 is running,