
what makes a good use case?

what intersections of our data sources will be strong enough to support compelling use cases?

Use Cases (suggestions, in draft form)


 As a...I want to...Satisfied when...Comment


(1-5 5=highest)

1As a researcher exploring a new field, or as a reference librarianI want to find what is being used (read, annotated, bought by libraries, etc.) by the scholarly communities not only at my institution but at others, and especially to find sources used elsewhere but not by my communityI'll be satisfied when the result of a search for a subject or for a particular work makes suggestions for further exploration that are both relevant and surprisingDemonstrates scholarly communities learning from one another across institutions

5 dw


2As a faculty member preparing the readings for a new course (or refreshing an existing course)I want to see what works are being used by colleagues in different institutions, by searching for a course subject, or by suggestions based upon a work that I know about. I would like to be able to browse to the other works being used in a particular course, and also to see the works that are on the periphery of the standard works within a subject.I'll be satisfied when a tool enables me to do this.  
3As a faculty member or librarianI want to create a virtual collection using online materials in multiple collections across multiple universities. I need a tool that will let me browse fluid, discovering items that otherwise would have escaped my attention, and easily creating an online exhibition. Information about user interaction with this exhibition – unique visitors, but also which items they click on, in what order, how long they spend with each – should be fed back into the universities' systems to help inform future people browsing the collections.I will be satisfied when this tool exists, and usage data can be usefully collected from the exhibition.  
4As a researcherI want to identify colleagues at my school who have taught at or were graduated from a partner school, and see what work they have done on the topic they pursued at my school after they left my school. Why would I want this? dw 
5As a studentI want to browse a geographic map and see annotations automatically added that show me relevant information (library items, archival items). I want to know that new information is added in close to real time.I will be satisfied when that worksMaps are a gnarly type. And how do we get the geolocated items? And this isn't very fresh. Is there a way to show relations among the pins? Or something? - dw 
6As a university deanI want to works created by my faculty to be highlighted in the OPAC. This includes works by any author who has ever worked at my college.I will be satisfied when that information is accessible by the OPAC, although it'd be nice if the OPAC actually used that information.  
7As a media person looking for a local expertI would like to see which subject areas the faculty of a university are focused on, by seeing the subjects on which they are publishing and teaching.   
8As a librarianI would like to assess the strength of my university library's collection by seeing for every LC subject class how many resources we have, how heavily they're utilized, and how much research is being done by our faculty in those areas. This could highlight potential areas of the collection to enhance or winnow.I will be satisfied when I have an analytics tool that lets me make such inquiries.  
9As a researcher working on a particular academic figureI would like to be to see the works written by the students of a particular figure. E.g., what have the people who took actual classes with Buckminster Fuller written? Then I'd like to see the citations for those students' works clustered by subject area. This requires data we may not have. - dw 
10As a researcher working on a particular academic figureWhen I search on Buckminster Fuller, I would like results ranked not by relevance but by "community relevance," i.e., by how often those works are used by my university's communities.I will be satisfied with StacklifeDoesn't demonstrate linked data - dw 
11As a teacher and as a librarianI would like to easily create a "shelf" (a list, really) of supplemental readings for my students, and have the relationship among those items – namely, that they all have some reference to the main sources – be fed back into the Library's data set so that others can benefit from my intellectual work of clustering them. I would like the provenance of that clustering maintained. This information could then be presented through a browsable discovery system.   
12As a researcherI would like an alternative to Amazon's "people who read this also read that." The alternative should be focused on finding results relevant to me as a researcher, rather than works a vendor is trying to sell me. In fact, I would like to see side by side lists of Amazon's clusters and my Library's clusters so I can see just how much the Library's kicks Amazon's skinny butt.  5 dw
13As a student in a MOOCI would like a tool that lets me create a "shelf" of works as I do my research. I'd like to be able to see other student's shelves for a particular assignment, and I'd like to see an aggregated shelf that shows me the most shelved works. I'd like clicking on the items in these shelves to reveal other student shelves on which they appear. I'd also like to be able to see each work in a shelf other books related by subject, Could be SQL - dw 
14As a researcher and teacherI would like to be notified when there are archival items that might bear on a topic I'm researching or teaching. I would like this to work at the component level, not only at the "box" level. This would require devolving metadata from the box to the component level; Harvard has done work on this and has a set of EAD components - dw 
15As a librarianI would like to enter any form of an author's name and have authority control (I don't understand this - dw) 
16As a librarianI would like help building my collection by seeing what is being used by students and faculty, and what's being used at other universities   
17As a researcher or student

I would like to be able to ask questions about the relationships among library data using something like natural language (although I'd be happy to accept some common sense restrictions) and get back interesting results. For example,

"What books were written by Cornell biologists on topics that Harvard and Stanford biologists rarely write books about?"

"What books are available about communication technology that don't use 'Communication' in their title or subtitle?"

"Create a timeline of science books that charts them by how many of those books have illustrations."

"Find all the anthologies that have chapters by both Marshall McLuhan and Neil Postman."

"Create a table that shows how many genetics books were published in England per year versus how many were published in the United States."

"Find me books about Christian Fundamentalism read (or assigned) in Divinity schools in the 1990s but less so after 2000."

"Show me chronologically the usage in medical schools of books under the headings of both vaccination and autism."

"Map by publisher location the clustering of books about American slavery since 1640."

(Library Graph)

I will be satisfied when there is at least a limited vocabulary and syntax that I can master and get back interesting results.(We could limit the NLP issue by creating a pick list of operations, relations, and outcomes. Or maybe there's an Open Source NLP library we could use. I dunno. - dw)5 dw
18As a researcher or librarian
  • CuLLR broadening – virtual library or unit/subject library use case – curatorial
    • identify the shelf of engineering reference handbooks
    • tagging for a reading list (not classification)
 (Explanation needed -dw) 
 As a librarian working on acquisitionsI would like to find additional materials that build on our current holdings – additional works by the same authors or about the same topics.I will be satisfied when I have a tool that lets me explore these ways  
 As a researcherI would like to be able to build virtual shelves of disaggregated materials. I'd like to be able to use them in classes, and to make them public to provide context to what I'm posting.   
19As a researcher or student

I would like intelligent term expansion:

  • based more on entities and relationships than on purely linguistic analysis
  • that predictively disambiguate query strings (e.g., jaguar)