A powerful feature of fedora 4 is projection or federation, in which large swaths of data from external sources can be treated and exposed as repository content

To easily test this feature during the install fest, we've built a sample war file that exposes a federation over the home directory of the user account under which the application is running.

Quick View:

  1. Download an executable jar file for the release
  2. Launch the jar file by double-clicking on it or typing "java -jar filename" in the command line

Install in Tomcat:

  1. Install tomcat
  2. Download a pre-built war file for the file system federation
  3. Copy that war file into the webapps directory of your tomcat installation
  4. When tomcat's running you can browse your home directory online at: http://localhost:8080/fcrepo-webapp-home-directory-federation-4.0.0-alpha-3-SNAPSHOT/rest/home

Build from source:

Currently the configuration (which specifies which files to expose at what path) can only easily be edited before the application is compiled.  The following instructions explain the process of configuring, building

Requires Git, Maven 3, Java 7.

Get the source code:

git clone https://github.com/futures/fcrepo4.git

Update the repository configuration (fcrepo4/fcrepo-http-commons/target/classes/config/rest-sessions/repository.json) to include the following lines after the node-types definition (add a comma):

"externalSources" : {
      "home-directory" : {
        "classname" : "org.modeshape.connector.filesystem.FileSystemConnector",
        "directoryPath" : "${user.home}",
        "projections" : [ "default:/home => /" ],
        "readOnly" : true,
        "addMimeTypeMixin" : true

Install the fcrepo-jcr artifacts to your local maven repository:

cd fcrepo4/fcrepo-jcr
mvn clean install

Run the web application in jetty:

cd fcrepo/fcrepo-webapp
mvn clean jetty:run

Browse your home directory through fedora at http://localhost:8080/rest/home

Multiple Directories

Although the syntax appears to support multiple mappings, we have found that a separate configuration block is required for each directory to be federated:

    "externalSources" : {
        "federated-1" : {
            "classname" : "org.fcrepo.connector.file.FedoraFileSystemConnector",
            "directoryPath" : "/path/to/dir1",
            "projections" : [ "default:/dir1 => /" ],
            "contentBasedSha1" : "false",
            "readonly" : true,
            "extraPropertiesStorage" : "none"
        "federated-2" : {
            "classname" : "org.fcrepo.connector.file.FedoraFileSystemConnector",
            "directoryPath" : "/path/to/dir2",
            "projections" : [ "default:/dir2 => /" ],
            "contentBasedSha1" : "false",
            "readonly" : true,
            "extraPropertiesStorage" : "none"

This configuration would provide access to the two directories at http://localhost:8080/rest/dir1 and http://localhost:8080/rest/dir2.