This document is intended to be used and kept up to date by the Fedora Release Manager.  It details the steps necessary to perform an official release of Fedora.

The release version in the documentation below is identified as X.Y , replace this in the instructions with the current release (eg 4.0.1).
X is the major point version, Y is the minor point version, and Z is the maintenance point.

The previous release version (snapshot previous documentation) is identified as A.B , replace this with the previous release (eg 4.0).

Before Release Day

Verify release privileges

To make sure release day goes smoothly, you should ensure that:


Encrypted passwords works for the plugin that references the sonatype-nexus passwords, but NOT the one that uses github.  To avoid a cryptic error, enter your github password in plaintext.

Prepare and distribute test plan

The test plan should also be ready prior to code freeze.

It should include:

Create release branch and begin final test phase

Update online resources

If any online resources have been modified or added to during the release, these must be updated.

Release Day

Update the KEYS file

Make sure the KEYS file in subversion is up-to-date with the latest, exported public keys of the committers (and most importantly, the release manager).  For more information on this file, see this page.

For *nix systems use the following command to add a missing key to the KEYS file:
(gpg --list-sigs AB76196 && gpg -a --export AB76196) >> KEYS

Build and release the final distribution to Maven Central

In order to build the release make sure that:

Run the following commands to generate and upload all built artifacts to the Sonatype staging repository:

mvn release:clean
mvn release:prepare -DdryRun -DreleaseVersion=X.X.X -DdevelopmentVersion=X.X.Y-SNAPSHOT -DautoVersionSubmodules
mvn release:clean && mvn release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=X.X.X -DdevelopmentVersion=X.X.Y-SNAPSHOT -DautoVersionSubmodules -DpushChanges=false
mv ~/.m2/repository ~/.m2/repository-yyyy-mm-dd
git checkout <release-tag>
mvn clean install
git push origin --tags
mvn release:perform -DperformRelease -Dgoals=deploy

Login to

Find the staging repository, check that it looks good, and "Close" it. Then "Release" it. This will publish the artifacts to the Sonatype releases repository and start the process of syncing them with central. The artifacts may take several hours to reach central. When finished, they'll be available at

Build GitHub documentation site

Checkout release tag for publishing the release documentation

mvn site-deploy -DskipTests
** Resume from a given module, if necessary
mvn site-deploy -DskipTests -rf <module>

Create GitHub release

Under GitHub account/releases, select "Draft new release".

Release related projects

Release other projects that are related to the main codebase, following the same process as outlined above.

Complete the Duraspace wiki documentation updates

Current Fedora Repository Documentation wiki:

At the very minimum, update the following:

Release Notes

If this is a new major or minor point release, copy the previous point release documentation to create the current wiki (/FEDORA XY ), then update accordingly. Mark the new pages as current, and update the pages in the previous documentation to indicate they are out-of-date.

If this is a maintenance point release, create separate child release note pages for each release covered by the documentation (see for an example).
Otherwise, post the release notes in the Release Notes page (see for an example).

Update any other documentation as needed, per changes/features added with this release.

Make sure the license and copyright information is up-to-date with this release.

Update the Fedora Repository site

This section needs updating - A.Woods 2014-01-02


Fedora Repository site (Drupal):

  1. Copy Software -> Current Release to Software -> Previous Releases -> Release X.Y
    Move Release X.Y to the top of the list of release pages.
    Change state to published in green view tab, state: in green right-hand drop-down menu
    Select Release X.Y as the default page to display for the Previous Releasesfolder:
  2. Edit Software -> Current Release to refer to the new version of the software
  3. Edit the Software page to update the Download link:
  4. Edit the Homepage:
  5. Edit the Announcementsfolder:

In the Software section:

On the homepage:

Announce release

Let Carol Minton Morris know that the release is complete and can be announced.

Depending on the significance of the release, the announcement will be disseminated in various forms to: