Planning | Description | Requirements | UI Mockup | Triples Examples


Example story: As a faculty member or librarian, I want to create a virtual collection or exhibit containing information resources from multiple collections across multiple universities either by direct selection or by a set of resource characteristics, so that I can share a focused collection with a <class, set of researchers, set of students in a disciplinary area>.

This use case is focused on individual creation of a set of resources – a virtual collection or exhibit – along with descriptive information for the collection and possible arrangement and annotation of resources in the collection. The base use case is that any virtual collection will be publicly accessible and thus authentication is required only for user creating the collection (and not for users of the collection). The inter-institutional aspect of this use case is not supported by current systems. It is expected that the collection URI will support both human and LD views.


Out of scope: Discovery of virtual collections. Annotations of a single item (Rob: should that be a separate use case? Simeon: would need to understand discovery.)     

Potential Demonstrations

A. Faculty member constructs a reading list to share with a set of students: Faculty member at one institution browses local discovery system, finds item of interest for a class and creates a new virtual collection with this one item (where is link? when do they log in?). As part of creation process they give the collection a name, add a description and perhaps other collection metadata. They then go back to the catalog, enter search terms resulting in a short result set, all of which they wish to include, they "select all" and add these to the collection. When their collection is complete they share the virtual collection URI with the set of students in their class. They do this by cutting and pasting the collection link into an email to the students. When the students follow this link they have access to the collection and access shows summary information and links to each item.

B. Extend A to allow selection of materials from other institutions. Should users be able to see what remote collections an item is in? And thus able to use the intelligence of multiple universities to guide selection?

C. Extend A/B to allow ordering of items in the virtual collection and comments about each one

D.  Extend A/B/C to allow authentication for non-public lists, either private or group level. (e.g., lists in progress to publish, personal scratch space not ready to publish, my research team is doing cutting edge research and don’t want to have a public list)

Data Sources

Ontology Requirements

Engineering Work

Who will do what?