• create similar structure to "Installing Fedora"
    • pre install checklist
    • install steps
    • install config
  • update code blocks to be similar to structure of "installing fedora" or its sub pages (i.e. the mysql config section to show how to connect to the mysql database server)


Pre-installation software checklist

Drupal requires the following to be set-up and running prior to beginning your installation:

Installation Steps

These are the quick “get-up-and-running” installation steps for Drupal, targeted at an audience comfortable using a command line interface. A more comprehensive installation guide is available from Drupal.org.

Download and place drupal files

  1. Change directory ("cd") to the location where you wish to install Drupal. For example, a very common Apache web directory is "/var/www/"

    $ cd /var/www/
  2. Obtain the latest Drupal release and extract the contents of the compressed file.

    $ wget http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-x.x.tar.gz
    $ tar -xzvf drupal-x.x.tar.gz

    Remember: the "x.x" is in reference to whatever Drupal version you would download. This version of Islandora is currently only compatible with Drupal 7.x.

    If you're intending to use a version of Islandora other than 7.x, please reference previously documentation that can be found here.

  3. Move the contents of  the drupal-x.x directory into a directory within your web server's document root or public HTML directory (ensure that the .htaccess file, a hidden file, is successfully moved into the destination directory as well).

    $ mv -v drupal-x.x public_html/your_drupal_directory
    Please note:
    • Your Apache config will need to so reflect the path to your Islandora install. Apache site/virtual host configuration files are ideal.


Configuring the Drupal install


Some web hosting environments have PHP and Apache run by the same user. In these instances, Drupal 7.x may attempt to execute the copy and priviledge adjustments of the "settings.php" file. If this happens, skip directly to creating a database for Drupal. If you get errors about your "settings.php" file when you "run the install script" in your browser, you will need to manually copy and adjust priviledges of the "settings.php" file.

  1. Make a copy of the default.settings.php file in the sites/default directory and name the copy settings.php.

    $ cp sites/default/default.settings.php sites/default/settings.php
  2. Give the web server write privileges to sites/default/settings.php and the sites/default/directory:

    $ chmod a+w sites/default/settings.php
    $ chmod a+w sites/default
  3. Create a database for Drupal. Make note of your username and password as you will need it when the Drupal install script runs.

    $ mysql -u [your-mysql-user]
    mysql> create database [drupaldatabase];
    mysql> GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, INDEX, ALTER, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES ON [drupaldatabase].* TO '[drupaldatabaseuser]'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '[password]'; 
    mysql> flush privileges;
    mysql> exit
  4. Run the install script by pointing your browser to the base URL of your website (e.g. http://www.example.com/).
  5. Work through the on-screen steps to complete the Drupal site installation.
  6. When the install script succeeds, you will be directed to the "Welcome" page, and you will be logged in as the administrator.
  7. Proceed with the initial configuration steps suggested on the "Welcome" page.

    If you plan on uploading large files via Islandora you may want to increase the maximum file size settings in Drupal.
    You can do this by creating a custom INI file in "/etc/php5.d/conf.d" with the following settings:

    upload_max_filesize = 2048M
    post_max_size = 2048M
    memory_limit = 256M

    You must then restart Apache using one of the following commands:

    /etc/init.d/apache reload


    /etc/init.d/httpd restart


For a good introduction to Drupal and to learn how to harness its power and potential to create a site that meets your needs, access Drupal’s extensive online documentation. Drupal’s active open source community is another valuable source of information.