WARNING: This page consists of some rough proppsals / brainstorms on a future direction for the DSpace User Interface(s).

As such, none of this is set in stone, and none of these ideas are (as of yet) guaranteed to occur. If any do begin to gain broad support and momentum from DSpace Steering Group, DSpace Leadership Group, Committers & DCAT, we will inform the community.

Multiple UIs vs One UI

Before deciding on a future direction for the DSpace UI(s), we have to face up to the "elephant in the room". We currently are building, maintaining and supporting two UIs (JSPUI & XMLUI) under a single Committers group.

Therefore, in order to move forward, we must make a decision on whether this direction is the best one for DSpace.  As such, here's some pros/cons to multiple vs single UIs...(feel free to add your own)

Possible Benefits of Multiple UIs

Possible Disadvantages of Multiple UIs

Possible Benefits of a Single UI

Possible Disadvantages of a Single UI

Proposal for a single out-of-the-box UI

Given the benefits and disadvantages above, one thing seems abundantly obvious: We cannot reasonably expect to continue supporting two UIs with a single Committers team. Or to restate that, it is unreasonable to expect any Committer (who are all volunteers, working at their own jobs) to be well versed enough to support, maintain, develop and review fixes for multiple UIs simultaneously.  This is an obvious misuse of the volunteer resources provided. Each institution has already made their own personal decision on which UI they wish to use, yet we are essentially forcing some institution's developers (e.g. Committers) to also be knowledgable on the other UI (which they never use on a day to day basis).

Given this, it only seems reasonable to also conclude: