WARNING: This page consists of some rough proppsals / brainstorms on a future direction for the DSpace User Interface(s).

As such, none of this is set in stone, and none of these ideas are (as of yet) guaranteed to occur. If any do begin to gain broad support and momentum from DSpace Steering Group, DSpace Leadership Group, Committers & DCAT, we will inform the community.

Background Info: Why are we brainstorming this (again) now?

Establishment of DSpace Governance

Questions this Brainstorm seeks to help answer

So, the question(s) this page is trying to brainstorm include:

  1. Why are we shipping DSpace with two UIs (JSPUI & XMLUI)?  Are there any advantages to doing so?
  2. Should we consolidate into a single UI?
  3. If the answer to consolidation is "yes", what UI should we consolidate under?  Should we just ship with the JSPUI? Should we just ship with the XMLUI?  Or should we build a new, modern replacement UI and ship with that?

Resources & Timeline

Other Questions?

If you have other questions which are not answered here, please feel free to ask them (either paste them in this section, or email Tim Donohue)

Multiple UIs vs One UI

Why are we shipping DSpace with two UIs (JSPUI & XMLUI)?  Are there any advantages to doing so?

Before deciding on a future direction for the DSpace UI(s), we have to face up to the "elephant in the room". We currently are building, maintaining and supporting two UIs (JSPUI & XMLUI) under a single Committers group.

Therefore, in order to move forward, we must make a decision on whether this direction is the best one for DSpace.  As such, here's some pros/cons to multiple vs single UIs...(feel free to add your own)

Possible Benefits of Multiple UIs

Possible Disadvantages of Multiple UIs

Possible Benefits of a Single UI

Possible Disadvantages of a Single UI

Should we consolidate into a single, out-of-the-box UI? (Please VOTE!)

Given the benefits and disadvantages above, one thing seems abundantly obvious: We cannot reasonably expect to continue supporting two UIs with a single Committers team. Or to restate that, it is unreasonable to expect any Committer (who are all volunteers, working at their own jobs) to be well versed enough to support, maintain, develop and review fixes for multiple UIs simultaneously.  This is an obvious misuse of the volunteer resources provided. Each institution has already made their own personal decision on which UI they wish to use, yet we are essentially forcing some institution's developers (e.g. Committers) to also be knowledgable on the other UI (which they never use on a day to day basis).

Given this, it only seems reasonable to also conclude:

What makes a good UI (framework)? What common "use cases" do we need to keep in mind?

The following is a list of features/needs/use cases which we feel would make a good User Interface / User Interface framework.  Since not all of these features/needs would have the same importance, we've categorized some as "required", "recommended" or "optional". (Please feel free to add more ideas/thoughts, if we are missing anything)

  1. Open Source (required): Obviously. Also we need to avoid GPL and similar licenses which are incompatible with BSD.
  2. Easy to run "out-of-the-box" (required): in keeping with DSpace Vision, any UI or UI framework must be easy to get running "out-of-the-box".
  3. Ease of Branding/Theming (required): A User Interface should be easy for institutions of all sizes to brand or theme. This means even smaller institutions (without a full time DSpace developer) should be able to theme or brand DSpace with some amount of ease. At a minimum, things like the header/footer/color scheme and basic layout should be simple to modify or customize. Ideally, the UI would support third-party themes (e.g. Bootstrap themes from http://bootswatch.com/ or similar) which can be easily applied to the UI to change its entire look and feel.
  4. Responsive Web Design (required) : a UI should be responsive and mobile-friendly, adapting to the size of various devices.
    1. Bootstrap support (recommended): Ideally, the UI would support Bootstrap, since it is one of the most widely used and supported responsive frameworks
  5. HTML5 Support (required): a UI should be able to support HTML5.  Ideally, it is built primarily with HTML5 in mind, rather than only supporting some aspects of HTML5.
  6. REST API friendly (highly recommended): a UI should be built with the idea of "separation of concerns".  For example, the UI framework should include NO business logic or Database query logic, etc. It should also have no knowledge of the underlying storage framework (e.g. Database schemas, file storage locations, etc).  Instead, ideally it would  communicate with DSpace primarily through the REST API (and other similar layers, e.g. Solr or Elastic Search). It would NEVER communicate directly with the database or other underlying storage layers.
  7. Faceted/Filtered Search/Browse friendly (highly recommended):  a UI should easily integrate with a faceted/filtered search engine/server (such as Solr pr Elastic Search) or a generic API which can communicate with said faceted/filtered search engine (e.g. Discovery, Blacklight)
  8. Rapid Development support / Developer friendly (highly recommended): a UI should be easy to develop against and improve upon. Ideally in a popular technology or language.  Local developers should not need to go through extensive training to work with the UI. The framework and technology ideally should be widely used, so that newer developers can also quickly come up to speed.  (Some examples: Ruby on Rails is a popular widely used technology/language. As is, seemingly, the Java Play! framework. Both are obviously much more widely used and easier to develop with than say Apache Cocoon)
  9. Active, third party plugin ecosystem (highly recommended): a UI framework should ideally come with an active plugin/module/tool ecosystem. This is not only the sign of a strong community around the UI framework, but also eases the development burden on DSpace developers, as we no longer need to build all features specific to DSpace.  (For example, a UI framework that came with its own, third-party Authentication plugins would allow us to utilize that rather than building our own plugins for Shib/LDAP, etc)
  10. Standard way of dealing with internationalization (i18n) or translations (required): DSpace has multiple international language communities who each manage their own set of translations for the interfaces. Migration from the current way of managing these translations to the new framework should be possible. Contribution of new translations should not be more difficult than it is today.
  11. Java-friendly (recommended): DSpace's underlying framework & API is Java, and likely will remain Java. There are no plans to completely rewrite DSpace. However, this does NOT mean the UI needs to also be written in Java, but it may be best that the UI technology is Java-friendly or even in a language that is similar to or based off Java (e.g. Javascript, Groovy, even Ruby is similar enough).

UI Framework Analysis (Please add more!)

Here's a few possible UI frameworks which we may wish to analyze for a single future UI.  A much larger listing of various web application frameworks appears on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_web_application_frameworks

Please feel free to add more that you feel would be worth analyzing for DSpace!

UI FrameworkLanguages / TechnologiesWidely Adopted?Ease of CustomizationResponsive web design supportHTML5 supportREST-friendlyFaceted/Filtered Search/Browse friendlyRapid Development friendlyThird-party plugin ecosystemNotes
Existing DSpace XMLUIJava, Apache Cocoon, XSLTNoNot really (except maybe at Bootstrap level with Mirage2)

Mirage 2 theme = Yes

Other themes = No

NoNoYesNoNoApache Cocoon has very little adoption and support these days, and hasn't had a new release in many years.

Personal opinions on DSpace XMLUI:

  • Tim Donohue: My personal opinion is that, as it currently exists, the XMLUI should not be the choice going forward as it is based on an outdated, nearly obsolete framework (Apache Cocoon). In my opinion, it would require abandoning Apache Cocoon to be in consideration.
  • Graham Triggs Drawbacks are size of the framework, complexity of the framework, lack of adoption and support for Apache Cocoon.
Existing DSpace JSPUIJava, JSPsNoNot really (again, except maybe at Bootstrap level with Mirage2)YesA few areas (e.g .HTML5 upload), but not overallNoYesNoNoThe JSPUI codebase is approximately 13+ years old, despite some recent work to update it to use Bootstrap.

Personal opinions on DSpace JSPUI:

  • Tim Donohue : My personal opinion is that, as it currently exists, the JSPUI should not be the choice going forward, as its codebase is extremely dated and not easy to work with (despite the recent UI redesign). In my opinion, it would require a major overhaul to be in consideration. To be clear, this doesn't mean JSPUI is "dead", just that it would need a lot of cleanup work / redesign if we want to go this route.
  • Graham Triggs A rewrite would be essential - preferably moving away from JSP to a templating engine, even if not using a recognized MVC framework. However, the benefits of being based on a widely known technology and having a small footprint are apparent.
Play! FrameworkJava, ScalaYes, some major sites use it according to Wikipedia Yes, can be used with Bootstrap   YesYes, has a modules repository 

Personal opinions on Play Framework:

  • Graham Triggs I had a brief play with it a while ago. It's a neat technology, but has drawbacks in being more tailored to Scala than Java, and lacking documentation. It's also very dependent on using the Play toolset, even though in the background it can use Maven to manage dependencies, there would be a lack of synergy between front end and back end development, which might be an issue.
Spring BootJava

Not yet. It's still very new (1.0.0 released in 2014).

However, the Spring IO platform itself is very widely used, and Spring Boot seems to have a lot of activity on GitHub, Stackoverflow, etc.

     Yes, it's built as a rapid development friendly version of SpringBuilt on Spring, so you can use other Spring projects 

Personal opinions on Spring Boot:

  • Graham Triggs Initial tests are quite positive. Obviously integrates very well with the Spring ecosystem, yet you can easily create a 'standard' Maven project for the application. Uses many templating engines (my preference is for Freemarker).
Ruby on RailsRubyYes Yes, has a Rails Bootstrap app, plus many gems   YesYes, in form of Rails plugins & Ruby gems 

Personal opinions on Ruby on Rails:

  • Graham Triggs Clean separation of front end and back end (via REST calls), will add latency and may cause problems for switching between front and back end development. Also, hosting concerns (JRuby vs separate Ruby and Java containers)
Hydra FrameworkRuby on Rails, Fedora, Blacklight

Not worldwide, but has a growing following in libraries, etc.

The base technology, Ruby on Rails is widely adopted

 Yes (well, Sufia uses Bootstrap) Yes (uses REST to communicate with Fedora)Yes (Blacklight)YesYes, because it's Ruby on Rails, you often can use Rails plugins and/or Ruby gems

Hydra doesn't currently "work" with DSpace.

It would likely be a major endeavor to either migrate DSpace into a "Hydra Head" web application or "port" Hydra as a UI on top of DSpace's underlying architecture.

However, if we decided on the former (create a DSpace-like Hydra Head), there are members of the Hydra Community who are currently striving to do that same thing.


Personal opinions on Hydra:

GrailsGroovy (based on Java)Yes, large number of sites using Grails listed on website Yes, has several Bootstrap plugins   YesYes, has a plugins repository 

Personal opinions on Grails:

  • Graham Triggs Pivotal (the main commercial developer) has recently announced that it is no longer sponsoring Groovy / Grails. This is apparently because of an increasing amount of community support, however, it may point to concerns in the future.
JQuery UIJavascriptYes Yes, e.g. there is a JQuery UI theme for Bootstrap Yes  Yes, has a plugin repository 

Personal opinions on JQuery UI:


(Javascript with RESTful JSON interface & Model-View-Presenter)

JavascriptYes, large number of major sites listed on Wikipedia & their homepage Yes, or at least you can use it in conjunction with Bootstrap. Yes YesYes, has plugins and extensionsDesigned for developing "single page web applications". It could prove difficult to use with DSpace because of the complexity of a repository system.

Personal opinions on Backbone.js:

  • Art Lowel (Atmire) Backbone is too low level imo. You still have to write a lot of boilerplate code yourself. We should probably replace it with one of the more modern JS MV* frameworks as alternatives to ember js, like angular, knockout or react


(Client-side Javascript web application using MVC)

JavascriptYes, see their list of users on website Yes, can use in conjunction with Bootstrap, e.g. https://indexiatech.github.io/ember-components/#/overview Yes YesYes, there's an "addon" repositoryUses Grunt, Bower, NPM (all of which are also in use by Mirage 2 theme)

Personal opinions on Ember.js:

  • Art Lowel (Atmire) Ember is very "opinionated" which is great to guide you in to using best practices to solve common problems. But it can get tricky if you need to solve an uncommon problem and you have to fight the system to make it work. However I'd like to add a +1 for ember.