
Briefly summarize the goals and objectives of your pilot project.

The main goal of the Fedora 3 to 4 upgration pilot project undertaken by UNSW Library was to formulate a suitable strategy for upgrading the Library’s existing Fedora 3-based repositories. A key criterion addressed by the strategy is compatibility with existing institutional data models while ensuring interoperability with related repository applications and workflows.

Development of UNSW Library’s Fedora 3 to 4 upgration strategy has involved a technical assessment of Fedora 4 data model and features, followed by fedora 3 to 4 data model mapping, using an existing Library repository, ResData, as a test bed.

A key output of this project is a preliminary Fedora 4 data model that is compatible with UNSW Library repositories and also aligned with the existing community Fedora 4 data model, i.e. the PCDM model. The project has also established a test Fedora 4 instance that implements the preliminary data model.

Project Details

Fedora 3 content selected, data modeling/mapping choices, tools/utilities used, final state in Fedora 4, etc.

Contents from the following two key UNSW Library Fedora 3-based repositories have been considered for this project.

The main criteria for Fedora 3 to 4 data model mapping included:

A test Fedora 4 instance for ResData has been established. A subset of the ResData records has been manually migrated to the test Fedora 4 using the aforementioned Fedora 3 to 4 migration data model.

Migration Process

Steps taken to select, analyze, and migrate data from Fedora 3 to Fedora 4, including any modifications/updates to other applications in the software stack.

Steps taken for the migration process are described below:



Any issues encountered during the migration process and steps (if any) to resolve.

Issues encountered during the migration exercise include:



How did the migration process compare to your expectations? How could the tools, documentation, etc. be improved? Was the upgration pilot a useful exercise?

The UNSW Library Fedora 3 to 4 upgration project has provided insights into how Fedora 4 works, and will pave the way for both Fedora 3 to 4 migration and development of new Fedora 4-based repositories in future.

The documentation provided on the Fedora4 wiki was found to be generally useful and accurate, except for the Fedora 4 indexer configuration document as mentioned before.  Additionally, the community Fedora 4 models, such as the PCDM model, should address performance optimisation constraints, if they are to be endorsed as Fedora 4 best practice.

Future Plans

What are your plans for continuing to migrate to Fedora 4? When do you expect to be in production?

Future work for UNSW Library Fedora 3 to 4 migration will include:

A new Fedora 4 repository is currently in development and testing. The migration of the first legacy repository to Fedora 4 is scheduled for Q4 2015