




Discussion items

45 minRefinement of document of purposesJim, all
10 minDiscussion of next stepsAll
5 minNo meeting next week due to Open repositories. Next meeting is June 17 at 3pm easternAll


  1. Refinement of Purpose document
    1. Jim, Mike and Lauren went over the Asset purposes document, clarifying the purpose of each and improving the descriptions.
    2. Purpose and recommendation are often closely linked.  The purposes document attempts to describe the new purpose.  In doing so it makes an implicit recommendation if the purpose of the existing asset is other than the description of the new purpose.
    3. use of VIVO Archive, VIVO Next Release and VIVO wiki clarified regarding release-specific technical documentation.
  2. Next Steps
    1. Add recommendations to each item in the spreadsheet.  Recommendation could be "leave as is," "see accompanying document," or a short description of what is recommended sufficient for next steps.  Will be completed for review prior to our next meeting
    2. Assemble the recommendations into a document
    3. Share with Steering
    4. Share with Community
    5. Incorporate revisions/suggestions if any
    6. Provide Steering Group with final recommendations
    7. We're done
  3. No meeting June 10 due to open repositories.  Next meeting is June 17 at 3PM eastern. Expect to be done by the end of June.

Action items