
Establish Governance - VIVO projects often cross institutional boundaries. To help make decisions and set direction, you'll need a project sponsor and one or more advisory groups, preferably including stakeholders such as researchers. These Outreach Contacts are likely roles to serve on advisory committees.

Resource Identification - The size and makeup of VIVO teams depends on the VIVO implementation. See Hiring for VIVO projects for the types of resources typically needed. Additional resources are needed after the initial launch to maintain and possibly expand the system.


Branding - Your VIVO can be customized using your institution's colors, logos, and other identity elements. See Branding Your VIVO to learn more. Also check out other implementations for examples.  

Further Define Scope - VIVO can do many things.  Which things will be used at your institution?  What will you deliver?  To whom?  When?  See What VIVO Is and What It's NotSample One-Page VIVO Project Summary for a University. It may be helpful to show decision-makers a list of other research organizations which have implemented VIVO. 

Request Data Feeds - With scope defined, you'll know which data your VIVO will display. A Data Management plan will be helpful: Which data do you want? How will it look in VIVO? How often will you feed data into VIVO, and what are the options for obtaining the data? As part of that plan, you'll need to identify the sources of the data you want to feed into VIVO. Once your Data Management plan is approved by your advisory committee, you'll need to meet with the "owners" of the data you want to feed into VIVO.  


Create Launch Strategy - Will your VIVO display all researchers in the initial launch, or just a subset? Will it contain lots of data or will you be adding data gradually? Whether you use a "broad and shallow" or "narrow and deep" strategy, this step often requires brainstorming with stakeholders. For more information, see Strategies for Launching VIVO.


Oversee Publicity Campaign -  Communication is an important part of the launch strategy.  It's important to let the community know that VIVO's coming. Different audiences may need different messages, and different ways to engage with the project. See Strategies for Launching VIVO for more information. 

Implement Assessment Plan - How will you know when your VIVO implementation is successful? Consider a set of goals or a mission statement, endorsed by the VIVO governance groups. These goals should be tied to your assessment plan. Check back later for more information about implementing assessment plans! 


Contribute to VIVO community - Once the dust settles, you'll want to share your experiences and best practices with the VIVO community. Follow other VIVO sites on social media, and create your own accounts to share your news. Join a VIVO task force to create or improve something. We need your help to make the VIVO community stronger!