UI Working Group Meeting Notes 


, 15:00 UTC, Teleconference


Next Meeting Date and Time

Tuesday 25th August 2015, 15:00 UTC

Meeting Notes:

Context of the Meeting:

The working group will exist for a finite period. The objectives and deliverables of the UI Working Group charter are to determine the process for the development of pilot application and select a technology to be used to deliver a new single user interface for DSpace, as agreed by the DSpace Steering Group http://dspace.org/steering-group. It is an open group that will be documented on the DuraSpace wiki.

Purpose of the UI Working Group:


Volunteers will be required for the deliverables to be met
There is an assumption that the decision of what technology will be recommended for the future/single UI is based on the evaluation of the pilot applications

Deliverable 1- Working Group Charter:

Document the process for the evaluation of alternative technologies for the alternate architecture and technologies.
A second round of pilots is recommended, after the initial submissions are narrowed down to allow further investigation and development/use by other members of the development community.
The UI Working Group is open to more members joining all documents, meeting times and notes will be made available on the wiki.

Deliverable 2 - Pilot Application Criteria: 

Sub Group: Lieven D, Pascal C, Peter D (DL1) to deliver criteria for next meeting, these will then be shared with the community
Document the pilot application expectations and requirements e.g. Browse, Community Page, Item Page, one admin/submission page, login, could also include some sample pages
Tim D has started brainstorming pilot application criteria Brainstorms on a Future UI.
Create wireframes of screens for the pilot apps as the look and feel of the UI should not influence the decision
Pilot applications will be built of the Java and REST DSpace APIs
All code and demos will need to be publicly viewable.
Teams can be cross institutional

Deliverable 3 - Criteria for evaluation of pilot applications: 

Sub Group: Claire K, Terry B, Andrea B, Lieven D (DL2)
Create a checklist for the evaluation of the pilot applications

Deliverable 4 - Recruiting and managing pilot applications:

Tim D to lead on this and distribute the pilot application criteria to the mailing lists
Prototyping a Future UI lists current known pilot applications, Tim's experiment and two pilots developer by Peter D
Pilots should take 1-2 weeks of development time. 

Deliverable 5 - Review and evaluate pilot apps:

All the UI Working Group

Deliverable 6 - Recommend architecture and technology to the DSpace Steering Group

All the UI Working Group


Action items