
The Islandora Solr Views module adds Islandora Solr as an option when creating or editing views with the Drupal Views module. This means you can author Drupal Views that pull metadata from Solr documents, and makes it possible to construct new types of visualizations and access points for collections, and new ways of authoring Views blocks using things like contextual filters. This module is most useful to those with some experience with Drupal Views in 7.x and its features. In short, anything one could do with Drupal Views - e.g. create pages that contain the OCR output of books, or create blocks with short at-a-glance lists of new objects added to a particular collection - can be done with Islandora's Solr index.



Release Notes and Downloads

Code Repository



Install as usual, see this for further information.


Islandora Solr Views is a small bit of extra functionality on Drupal Views.  This Duraspace Islandora wiki doesn't cover Drupal in general, but for this specific module, it's very helpful to have worked through some tutorials about "Views" in Drupal 7, so you know the context and how Views are used to make a user interface.  Views is heavily rooted in Drupal, and Islandora Solr Views brings in a bit more interaction with the Islandora objects on the site.

To enable Solr Views:

When those are enabled, the Views configuration screen should be available by clicking to "Structure" then "Views" (at http://path.to.your.site/admin/structure/views ). From here, you can click 'Add new view' to start creating a Solr View.

On the next screen, enter a name for your view, and from the 'Show' drop-down menu, select 'Islandora Solr'.   This extra drop down menu option is the meat of what Islandora Solr Views is doing to build on Drupal's built-in Views.

You can now click the 'Continue & Edit' button if you'd like to manipulate the view now, or 'Save & Exit' if you would like to edit it later.

From here, most of the configuration and setup for your view is exactly the same as for any other view, with a few significant differences. Islandora Solr Views adds Solr indices to the FIELDS, FILTER CRITERIA and SORT CRITERIA sections.

Tutorial: Creating a block that contains the latest objects in a collection

This tutorial assumes a fresh installation of Islandora with the default Solr and Gsearch setups, and that the Basic Image Solution Pack has been installed and contains images.

  1. Create a new View

  2. Configure the Block:

  3. Add the 'dc.title' field to FIELDS

  4. Add the 'RELS_EXT_isMemberOfCollection_uri_ms' field to FILTER CRITERIA

  5. Add the 'fgs_createdDate_dt' field to SORT CRITERIA
  6. Save the block and add it to part of the structure
  7. Check the View and see how it looks.


The Islandora Solr Views module has no configuration options of its own, but pulls entries from the Solr index. Check the Islandora Solr section for more information on setting up Islandora Solr.