Title (Goal)

As a developer, I want to retrieve a set of objects from the repository that conform to my domain model. 

Primary Actor







Elliot Metsger 

Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens)

Retrieve a set of domain objects from the repository. 

As a developer, I would like to retrieve a set of domain objects that conform to a domain (content) model.

For example:

My organization has multiple applications that access content in the repository, that vary in the programming language used and their platform requirements (LAMP stack vs servlet container, etc).  As a developer, it would be very inefficient to write and maintain the necessary transformations to render Fedora repository objects as domain objects for each application.  Instead, I would like to implement the Fedora to Domain Model transformation logic in one place, so that my applications can retrieve objects in their native domain, without having to concern themselves with Fedora objects and object transformation.

Furthermore, I would like to have confidence that all the required objects and properties will be available when the transformation occurs.  For example, if a Fedora object advertises it's participation in a content model, it would be nice if a service able to periodically verify (or verify upon request) the integrity of a content model instance.