Title (Goal)

As a repository manager, I want to expose a web service at a URI bound to a Fedora object

Primary Actor

Repository Manager






Aaron Birkland

Story (A paragraph or two describing what happens)

My institution has developed a web application which provides a nifty visualization (html + js) for certain kinds of Fedora objects, as well as an XML representation of the same. To create the vizualization, my application reads a fedora object, queries a few indexes, does a few computations, and renders an appropriate representation based on the desired content-type. I would like to expose this web service at a URI /rest/path/to/object/viz:nifty for any object /path/to/object with an rdf:type of viz:Visualizable. I'd ideally like to wire my application to the viz:nifty URIs by creating or editing some sort of configuration file or fedora object, rather than compiling and deploying specialized code to do that.

API Extension Architecture's role:

Web application's role:

Repository manager's role:

Fedora's role: