Dial In Details

Date: Friday September October 9, 2pm EDT (-4 UTC)

- U.S.A/Canada toll free: 866-740-1260, participant code: 2257295
- International toll free:  http://www.readytalk.com/intl 
- Use the above link and input 2257295 and the country you are calling from to get your country's toll-free dial-in number
- Once on the call, enter participant code 2257295

Meeting Goals

Ratify the list of things we want to distill from use cases

Close the loop on Stefano Cossu's content and structural validation use case

Discuss the potential role of API-X for supporting transactions

Review the use case for composite (referred to as "chaining" in the previous meeting) services



  1. Ratify initial list  of "what to distill from use cases". (Aaron Birkland)
  2. Refined validation use cases from Stefano Cossu
    1. Enforce validation across repository
    2. Optional validation
    3. Validation only for selected resources
  3. Introduction and discussion of composite extensions use case (Unknown User (acoburn))
  4. Role of API-X for supporting transactions (??)
    1. Actor models - having the API-X (or an extension) be an actor
    2. Transactions as a core feature of the Fedora 4 platform
  5. Any Other Business
    1. Elliot away: 9/28 - 10/28

HydraConnect touch points

Taking the API-X effort coupled with F4's direction towards a continued shrinking of the core codebase and limited scope to the core services, many conversations around "repository capabilities" naturally migrate towards API-X solutions.
That is very general, but if we establish a robust yet simple API-X framework, I anticipate it getting a lot of use.
The specific, Hydra-related use cases that came up at HydraConnect are:

Related Resources

Design Page (with use cases outline)

Use Cases Parent Page

Previous meeting agenda, including minutes
