GET /rest - Summary of API Calls

The response from this call includes the set of REST report calls that are available.


GET /rest/reports - List of Available Reports

The response from this call includes the set of reports that are available

GET /rest/reports/[report name] - Redirect to a Specific Report

This will re-direct to the configured report

GET /rest/filters - Return filters to apply to a list of items

The response will return the list of available filters. These have been configured in rest.cfg.


GET /rest/filtered-collections - Return collections and item counts based on pre-defined filters

This request is similar to the call /rest/collections except that it allows the user to supply a comma separated list of filters to apply to the collection.

The response will contain

GET /rest/filtered-collections/{collection_id} - Return items and item counts for a collection based on pre-defined filters

This request is similar to the call /rest/collections/{collection_id} except that it allows the user to supply a comma separated list of filters to apply to the collection.

The response will contain

When combined with the expand=items parameter, this call will return the set of items that match a filter or set of filters.  It may be necessary to paginate through these results.

GET /rest/filtered-items - Retrieve a set of items based on a metadata query and a set of filters

This request allows a collection owner to construct a complex metadata query against specific metadata fields applying a number of comparison operators.

The search features of DSpace allow an end user to discover items via search.  This command allows the collection owner to audit and enforce metadata consistency within a collection.

The query will consist of the following components