




Welcome to new leaders:

  • Sarah Fredline, UNSW
  • Kelcy Shepherd, Amherst College

Proposed Governance Changes: Role for Projects; Leader Ambassadors?



Final Push for 2015 Fedora Members


Budget Review

Fedora Camp SummaryDavid
CNI Fedora Leadership Group Meeting DetailsDavid
LAKE in a box?Stefano

Previous Actions


1. Welcome to new leaders:


2. Proposed Governance Changes: Role for Projects; Leader Ambassadors?


Leadership Group Ambassadors — Tom said that with other groups Ambassadors have been helpful in advancing and enriching the project. Would we also like to do this with Fedora Leaders?
Discussion if there should be limits on who should be Ambassadors (i.e., prior membership on Fedora Leaders, etc.) – decided on no written limits, change made to doc. Ambassadors serve in non-voting capacity. Will take vote via email.

(Side discussion about how to take a vote. Email preferred. Slack also mentioned but currently there are barriers to have it work for this vote right now. Will try to get people enrolled in Slack. David will send to vote.)


3. Final Push for 2015 Fedora Members

Top prospects

Let David know if you have any questions about the list.


4. Budget Review

CNI meeting will likely be the place to take the final vote on the budget.

David gave an overview of the 2016 budget proposal.


5. Fedora Camp Summary


6. CNI Fedora Leadership Group Meeting Details


7. LAKE in a box?


David will send email welcoming new leaders.

Steve will send note about Evviva replacing him on group.

David will send Governance changes to a vote.