When logged-in, the researcher or the administrator have an Edit Researcher Page button in the toolbar at the top of her public researcher page.

clicking on it a simple web form is presented so that the information can be easily edit or hided from the public view with a tick or untick of the checkbox positioned beside the value


When the label is red (such as “full name”), it means that the field is required; when the label is black, it is optional. . As far as affiliations are concerned, they must be inserted throw auto-compiling, that means that it is enough to write three characters to start a search in the data base and find the desired organization unit.


The tabs, boxes and fields available in edit do not necessary match the public layout, if needed they can be decoupled. Some tabs or fields can be also marked as available only to the administrators or conversely to the researcher as for instance the ORCID preference tab.