Note that the single field mappings used for the combined author mapping are not added to this list.


Framework Sources Implementations

Pubmed Integration


First read the base documentation on external importing This documentation explains the implementation of the importer framework using pubmed as an example.

The configuration done for pubmed specifically is located at pubmed-integration.xml in dspace/config/spring/api I will not go into detail to what exactly is configured for the pubmed integration as it is simply a usage of the classes explained here

Enabling pubmed

The pubmed specific integration of the external sources import can be enabled by adjusting 1 step in the item-submission.xml
Uncommenting this step will enable the user to do the pubmed based lookups during their submission 


<!-- Find publications based on ID/DOI/Title/Author to pre-fill the submission



Additional Config

To be able to do the lookup for our configured import-service, we need to be able to know what url to use to check for publications. This can be done by setting the publication.url property though maven using 2 different ways.

  • Setting the publication.url property to the address as defined in the configured importservice (PubmedImportService in this case) in the file spring-dspace-addon-import-services.xml. This will check this single configured url for publications.
  • Setting the publication url property to an askterisk '*'. This will check all configured importServices for their urls to base the search for publications on.

Pubmed specific classes Config

These classes are simply implementations based of the base classes defined in importer/external. They add characteristic behaviour for services/mapping for the pubmed specific data.

Metadata mapping classes

  • "PubmedFieldMapping". An implementation of AbstractMetadataFieldMapping, linking to the bean that serves as the entry point of other metadata mapping
  • "PubmedDateMetadatumContributor"/"PubmedLanguageMetadatumContributor". Pubmed specific implementations of the "MetadataContributor" interface

Service classes