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General international outreach

  • Discussion: Joint publication
    • In October of 2015 DuraSpace established a bi-monthly spanish language newsletter, DuraSpace Informe, and a corresponding twitter account as a way to engage with spanish-speaking users. Prior to launching the newsletter we worked with our Chilean RSP, Prodigio Consultores, to determine which types of content would be of interest to South American users in particular and developed a list of likely potential subscribers. The recent May issue was sent to 381 subscribers and was opened by 85 readers (23.6%). The content that was most accessed included news about current DSpace and VIVO initiatives.
    • Would this type of publication would help support the work Cineca is doing, and potentially set the stage for deeper future engagement in other parts of Europe and beyond? If you agree that an Italian version of DuraSpace Informe would be helpful? Steps would include identifying Italian users of DSpace, Fedora and VIVO in order to build trackable mailing lists (current contacts so far), identification of potential relevant content, translation of content, and production/distribution of the newsletter. In addition a corresponding google groups list and twitter account would be established.

Consortial international outreach

  • Discussion
4Other approaches 




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