Date: Thursday, August 04, 1pm EDT (-4 UTC)



  1. Do we consider URIs in API-X to be done? 
  2. Service Discovery and Binding have and Execution are out for review.  Are there any outstanding issues that need to be addressed before finalizing them?
  3. Next step with design docs - commit to GitHub repo. 
    1. Can design-related issues in GitHub (#2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7,  #30) be closed once this happens?
  4. Discuss moving the non-developer overview doc to an official, more finalized state.
  5. Work in progress for #10 and #12 - Aaron Birkland will bring local work into alignment with docs, have PR by next meeting



Clarify Rob’s objections:

→ This doc can be considered finalized and ready to be committed to github

Service Binding doc, Execution and Routing doc review

Review these docs between now and next API-X call

GitHub issues relating to design doc can be closed after design docs are committed to GitHub?

Non-Technical Overview doc