Getting the code for the web application

Source code for the VIVO project is available on GitHub. The code is split into two repositories: is the home of Vitro and holds the VIVO code. For information on the difference between VIVO and Vitro, see VIVO/Vitro Architecture.

Getting the code for the Harvester

The source code for Harvester is at

Participating in mail lists and weekly calls

VIVO has weekly development calls that are open for participation; implementation and ontology calls happen biweekly.

Mailing Lists and their archives are useful sources of feedback, especially if you are stuck on any issue – everyone has been there at one point or another.

Standards for Code

We're still in the process of formalizing our expectations for code.
Start with the Sun (Oracle) Code Conventions for Java, and you will be on the right track.

Here are with some tips about writing to the log and writing exceptions to the log.

Submitting a Patch

Core developers can commit code directly to the VIVO repositories. Other developers can fork the repository, make changes on a branch, then submit a pull request on the main VIVO repository. See Contributing code with a fork, branches, and pull requests.

Should my patch be applied to the trunk? A branch? Where do tags come into the picture? Learn about how we use Trunk, Branches and Tags.