Date & Time


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DCAT Disussion: DSpace standard Data model and DSpace-CRIS: exploring convergence

The goal of this month's call is to explore functional needs that may require modification of the DSpace data model.

Andrea Bollini (4Science) will give a short overview of how the DSpace data model was extended in DSpace CRIS and which functional needs these extensions serve.

A summary of the current DSpace datamodel: 

We aim to discuss if the current DSpace data model already offers sufficient support to express:

Preparing for the call

Bring your questions/comments you would like to discuss to the call, or add them to the comments of this meeting page.

If you can join the call, or are willing to comment on the topics submitted via the meeting page, please add your name, institution, and repository URL to the Call Attendees section below.

You can find an useful start to the discussion the following slides:



Meeting notes


Call Attendees