

  1. Demo update
    1. Core impl
      1. A few tweaks and bugfixes revealed during testing
      2. Blocker: #76, fix involves using camel-http4, now being tested
    2. Extensions and docker containers
      1. OPTIONS loader now self-registers as an extension 
      2. Amherst extensions starting  to come together
        1. jsonld compaction may be exposed as repository or resource scoped
        2. Image manip exposed as resporce-scoped exception
        3. Fits container (to host fits service) in progress
    3. Guide (in-progress)
    4. GitHub Issues
    5. Videos
      1. Status & road blocks
      2. Clarifying of requirements (which videos, target audience) and timeline
      3. Expected pace
  2. Outreach/conferences
    1. API-X presentation at DLF this week:
    2. DC Fedora users group meeting in Spring - hold a workshop?
    3. OR '16