This functionality has been introduced in DSpace-CRIS 6.0.0 and it is considered experimental. It hasn't tested extensively so we like to receive feedback from the community



DSpace-CRIS provides a lot of way to import, update and manipulate both native dspace objects than CRIS objects in bulk. Other than the ones offered by a basic DSpace it is possible to use (also from the UI) excel files (CRIS Objects) or adhoc simplified database tables (currently only DSpace items) to perform operation over the data.

We hope to extend the framework to perform operations directly over the CRIS entities as well. It should be noted that right now operation on DSpace item can result in creation or update to related CRIS entities automatically as by the Filler functionality

The following database tables have been introduced:

To elaborate the imp_* tables you need to run the following script

-p Send the email for the in archive event to the authors, coauthors, etc. - the workflow email are EVER disabled
-E BatchJob User email
-x Indexing disabled (improve performance)
-n Summary EMail disabled (improve performance)
-b Delete bitstream related to the item in the update phase (you need to provide details about the new bitstream or the bitstream to keep in the imp_bitstreams table)
-m List of metadata that are cleanup before to perform the operation. By default all metadata are delete, specifying only the dc.title it will obtain an append on the other metadata. Use this option many times on the single metadata e.g. -m dc.title -m dc.contributor.*
-s Invert the logic for the -m option, using the option -s only the metadata list with the option -m are saved (ad es. -m dc.description.provenance) the other will be delete
-S muted logs
-t Threads numbers (default 0, if omitted read by configuration). Very experimental.












